
INSOL Europe is governed by its Constitution (Articles of Association) which can be downloaded here:

Constitution & Articles of Association

Constitution & Articles of Association (French)

The Council
INSOL Europe’s affairs are administered by a Council which is elected by its members. Each Council member is elected for a period of 3 years and may be re-elected for succeeding periods. The Council elects the officers including the President, Deputy President, Vice President and Treasurer. One third of the Council retires each year. Council consists of the officers together with one member from all countries with over 30 members, as well as up to 8 other members drawn from the whole membership. 


  1. Approving proposed changes to the policies of the Association.
  2. Debating and approving the strategy proposed by the Executive that will enable the Association to achieve its aims.
  3. Approving the Executive’s financial report and approving the budget prepared by the Executive.
  1. Attending council meetings twice a year (one of which is held in the spring in the host town of the President and secondly during the annual congress).
  2. Attending bi-monthly telephone meetings to discuss the business of the Association.
  3. Accept responsibility for such duties as Council may determine.

See the Council Elections page for details on the election process and annual changes.
See the Executive, Council & Secretariat page for a full list of the current Council members.

The Executive
The Executive Committee, which includes the officers (President, Deputy President, Vice President and Treasurer) and Chief Executive Officer, represents the Council and is responsible for the day to day management of the Association.


  1. Reviewing the policies of the Association at regular intervals and proposing amendments to the Council.
  2. Development of the strategy for the approval of the Council that will enable the Association to achieve its aims.
  3. Prepare the budget and monitor and report to Council on the financial aspects of the Association’s activities.
  4. Assist the Director of Administration in any matters which relate to the Association.
  5. Attend bi-monthly telephone meetings to discuss the business of the Association.
  6. Attend executive and council meetings twice a year (one of which is held in the spring in the host town of the President and secondly during the annual congress).

See the Executive, Council & Secretariat page for a full list of the current Executive.

The Secretariat
The Secretariat are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation and its functions. Currently the following staff members make up the Secretariat:

  • Chief Executive Officer: Paul Newson (also including marketing and communications)
  • Chief Operations Officer: Hannah Denney (also including events, membership & sponsorship)
  • Chief Technical Officer: Emmanuelle Inacio (also including conference technical services)
  • Event Manager: Harriet Taylor
  • Membership Administrator: Natasha Sable
  • Technical Officer: Myriam Mailly
  • Technical Research Co-ordinator: Paul Omar

Ordinary General Meetings
An OGM is held each year to which all members are invited to attend. During this meeting, the current President reports on the organisation’s activities and hands over to the incoming President. Updates about the next OGM and minutes of the previous OGM can be found here.

Membership of INSOL Europe
All members of INSOL Europe are obliged to pay the appropriate annual fee, depending on the category of their membership. Full details of all the benefits and rates can be found here.

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