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Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Moot

Registrations are now open!

INSOL International and the International Insolvency Institute are delighted to invite your law school to compete in the Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Law Moot (the Fletcher Moot).

This years competition is run entirely online, providing a great opportunity for law schools worldwide to compete against each other. The Moot Problem for 2024 is now available. 

More details of the competition, including the competition timeline, competition rules, and key milestones can be found here.
Please note that registration closes on 20 October 2023.

Further links


INSOL Europe Academic Forum Facebook page


INSOL International


INSOL International Academic Group


INSOL International Early Researcher Academics (ERA)


INSOL International Insolvency Review (subscription required)

The International Insolvency Review also has a presence on Twitter.


The European Insolvency and Restructuring Journal is a fully open access and double-blind peer reviewed journal focused on the development of insolvency and restructuring laws and practice in Europe.




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