EU Study Group News

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INSOL Europe contribution to the EU public consultation on the new EU initiative entitled 'Insolvency laws: increasing convergence of national laws to encourage cross-border investment'

More information can be found here.

The feedback period ended on 26 March 2021 and INSOL Europe sent the following contribution.

We will keep you updated on any further developments.

update: 5 April 2021  

INSOL Europe feedback on the new EU initiative entitled 'Insolvency laws: increasing convergence of national laws to encourage cross-border investment'

More information can be found here.

The feedback period ended on 9 December 2020 and INSOL Europe sent the following contribution.

We will keep you updated on any further developments following this first step of a series of other public or targeted consultations.

 update: 8 December 2020​ 

INSOL Europe feedback on the EU New Consumer Agenda (EU public consultation)

More information can be found at
The feedback period ended on 6 October 2020 and INSOL Europe sent the following contribution.

We will keep you updated on any further developments following this public consultation.

 update: 10 October 2020

INSOL Europe feedback on the final report of the High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union (EU Survey)

The European Commission issued a call for feedback to the recommendations issued in the Final Report of the High-Level Forum on Capital Markets Union published on 10 June 2020. This report, which sets out a series of recommendations aimed at moving the EU’s capital markets forward contains three recommendations on insolvency.

Firstly, the European Commission is invited to adopt a legislative proposal for minimum harmonisation of certain targeted elements of core non-bank corporate insolvency laws, including a definition of triggers for insolvency proceedings, harmonised rules for the ranking of claims (which comprises legal convergence on the position of secured creditors in insolvency), and further core elements such as avoidance actions (Recommendation 16a).

The second recommendation is for the European Commission to set up an expert group tasked with elaborating common terminology for principal features of the various national insolvency laws (Recommendation 16b).

The last recommendation is an invitation for the European Commission to analyse how the current bank supervisory reporting framework should be modified so that banks provide to supervisors the data on non-performing exposures that allows an analysis of the effectiveness of national insolvency systems of Member States. On the basis of this supervisory reporting data, EBA should start providing the Commission with bi-annual monitoring reports on the effectiveness of national insolvency systems of Member States (Recommendation 16b).

More information can be found at:
The call for feedback from stakeholders on the report ended on 30 June and INSOL Europe sent the following contribution.

We will keep you updated on any further developments following this call for feedback.

 update: 30 June 2020

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