2015 events

Contribute to our Next Event
We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.

INSOL Europe Academic Forum and ERA (Academy of European Law)  Joint Conference - Trier

INSOL Europe Academic Forum and ERA (Academy of European Law) Joint Conference - Trier

19-03-2015 to 20-03-2015
Trier, Germany
This conference to be held at the ​ERA Conference Centre in Trier, Germany, aims to meet the requirements of insolvency lawyers to stay informed on the latest developments in jurisprudence and legislation in insolvency matters at EU level.

At the centre of this event will be an in-depth analysis of the renewed EU Insolvency Regulation, including its possible implications in legal practice. The Council and European Parliament reached political agreement on the revised Regulation in December 2014.

Key topics

• Scope of the Regulation and definition of “insolvency”
• Concept of COMI
• Relationship between main and territorial proceedings
• Coordination and communication
• Related actions and interplay with Brussels I
• Cross-border security and rights in rem
• Insolvency of groups of enterprises

Who should attend?

Lawyers practising in the field of insolvency law, judges, insolvency administrators, ministry officials, policy-makers, academics.

Download the programme here for an up to date list of speakers and timings.

For further information contact Christiane Schmitz, 
Tel. +49 (0)651 937 37 122, Email: cschmitz@era.int
Online registration: www.era.int/?124924&en

INSOL Europe Eastern European Countries' Committee Conference - Vilnius

INSOL Europe Eastern European Countries' Committee Conference - Vilnius

14-05-2015 to 15-05-2015
Vilnius, Lithuania
The technical committee is now planning the 11th EECC Conference, which is provisionally entitled ‘Banks' insolvencies, Investors and Harmonisation; A new insolvency era?’ and will feature sessions led by bankers, judges and other prominent names from the insolvency profession.

Download the latest Progamme here.

Download the Registration Brochure here or contact Caroline Taylor for more information.

Download the Slide Presentations from the Conference here.

With thanks to our Sponsors

Main Sponsor:
dnp DEPPING - www.dnp.de

Sponsor of Conference Material:
Kirkland & Ellis International LLP - www.kirkland.com

Conference Sponsors:
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
CITR - www.citr.ro
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
bnt attorneys-at-law - www.bnt.eu
SORAINEN - www.sorainen.com

With thanks to our Conference Supporters
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) - www.aija.org
National Association of Business Administrators in Vilnius - www.nvaa.lt
INSOL Europe Academic Forum and Nottingham Law School Joint International Insolvency Conference - Nottingham

INSOL Europe Academic Forum and Nottingham Law School Joint International Insolvency Conference - Nottingham

25-06-2015 to 26-06-2015
Nottingham (UK)
At this conference, jointly hosted by the INSOL Europe Academic Forum, Nottingham Law School and Nijmegen Law School, the central theme of papers and the panels will be on the theme of “Re-imagining Rescue”. This marks the second time the conference will be in Nottingham following the successful event there in 2012.

Nottingham and Nijmegen have recently begun a collaboration which has seen the introduction of a new “Dual” LLM Programme and other initiatives. Both Universities are justifiably earning a reputation as centres of excellence in insolvency, witness the many academics on their staff engaged in the discipline, and the Academic Forum welcomes this opportunity to once again collaborate with the Law Schools.

Latest Technical Programme

Registration Brochure

For more information, contact Caroline Taylor.

With thanks to our Academic Forum Sponsor
SGH Martineau - www.sghmartineau.com
INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference 2015 - Berlin

INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference 2015 - Berlin

30-09-2015 to 01-10-2015
Berlin, Germany
You can download the final Technical Programme here.

Download the final slides from Wednesday here.
Download the final slides from Thursday here.

Contact Caroline Taylor for more information

With thanks to our Academic Forum Sponsor
Shakespeare Martineau - www.shma.co.uk
INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2015 - Berlin

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2015 - Berlin

01-10-2015 to 04-10-2015
Berlin, Germany

Following the very successful Annual Congress in Istanbul, we can announce that our next Annual Congress will be in Germany’s vibrant capital city – Berlin. An Academic Forum conference will also take place during the Annual Congress, as well as meetings of the Judicial Wing and other working groups.

You can download the final Technical Programme here.

Download the final slides from Friday here.
Download the final slides from Saturday here.

With thanks to our Sponsors

Main Sponsor:
Dentons - www.dentons.com

Congress General Sponsors:
PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH - www.pluta.net
Proskauer - www.proskauer.com
RESOR - www.resor.nl
Edwin Coe LLP - www.edwincoe.com

Event Sponsors:
NautaDutilh - www.nautadutilh.com
William Fry - www.williamfry.com
CITR - www.citr.ro
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
GÖRG - www.goerg.de
hww hermann wienberg wilhelm – www.hww.eu
Hoche Société d'Avocats - www.hoche-avocats.com
McStay Luby - www.mcstayluby.ie
Moon Beever - www.moonbeever.com
Schultze & Braun - www.schubra.de
Schiebe und Collegen - www.schiebe.de
OPF Partners - www.opf-partners.com
anchor Rechtsanwälte - www.anchor.eu
Prager Dreifuss - www.prager-dreifuss.com
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
Uría Menéndez Proença de Carvalho - www.uria.com
Grant Thornton - www.grant-thornton.co.uk