2018 events
Contribute to our Next Event
We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.
EECC Conference 2018 - Riga, Latvia

We are pleased to announce that our Keynote Speakers for the 2018 conference in Riga are Latvia's Prime Minister, Māris Kučinskis, and Minister of Justice, Dzintars Rasnačs.
As an insolvency practitioner it is always a balance to meet certain interests, but at the same time follow and use the different legal frameworks. That is why the title of our 2018 conference will be 'Balance of Interests: Restructuring, Insolvency and Second Chance'. The congress will be focused mainly on new approaches across Europe towards (cross-border) insolvency, how local and European laws have developed and the Commission's plans for harmonisation of the Member States' insolvency laws. The Conference will consider the possibilities in different European jurisdictions for financing and other crucial tools to save as many companies as possible where there is a viable business.
Attending our conference presents an excellent opportunity to meet industry experts and to learn about the latest trends in insolvency. The conference will be preceded by an optional networking dinner (on Thursday 31 May) in a restaurant in the centre of the old town, during which the guests can have a taste of both Latvia’s culinary and music traditions.
Riga is the largest city in Latvia and also its capital city, and the largest city in the Baltic States with over one third of Latvia's population. Riga is home to the European Union's office of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and is served by Riga International Airport, the largest airport in the Baltic states.
We are very excited about this event and look forward to welcoming you in Riga.
Download the registration brochure here.
Download the final programme here.
Download the presentation slides here.
With thanks to our Sponsors:
Main Sponsor

BDO Restructuring GmbH, Germany - www.bdo.de/restructuring
Conference Sponsors
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
bnt attorneys in CEE - www.bnt.eu
Schiebe und Collegen - www.schiebe.de
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
With thanks to our Conference Supporters
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) - www.aija.org

INSOL Europe High-Level Course on Insolvency: Cyprus 2018
Classes will be seminar-based and fully interactive. The training will have a theoretical base but fundamentally a practical approach using a case-study methodology for each module. Target participants would be all professionals involved in the insolvency practice of the jurisdiction, with special focus on high-level lawyers and IPs, judges and state officials of the relevant insolvency agency.
The second edition of the course will be in Cyprus 2018 and the objectives of the course will be to convey the main elements of international best practice and to deepen the knowledge and interpretation of Cypriot insolvency law.
The course will be spit into 3 modules:
- International best practice and comparative examples (Thursday 6 & Friday 7 September 2018)
- An analysis of the main elements of Cypriot insolvency law (Thursday 25 & Friday 26 October 2018)
- Case/paper submission and workshop (January 2019 to be confirmed)
For further information, please click here or email emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org
With thanks to our Sponsors
Course Partner:
Insolvency Service of Cyprus - www.mcit.gov.cy/mcit

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2018: Athens, Greece
Download the BoS I Presentation Slides
Download the BoS II Presentation Slides
Download the BoS III Presentation Slides
Download the BoS IV Presentation Slides
Download the Saturday Plenary Presentation Slides
Download the Saturday Strategic Task Force 2015 Presentation
Photos of the event can be viewd in the Gallery.

Download the Technical Programme
Download the Congress Registration Brochure
Congress Technical Committee
Frank Tschentscher (FTschentscher@schubra.de)
George Bazinas (gbazinas@bazinas.com)
With thanks to our Sponsors
Main Sponsor:
Congress General Sponsors:
NetBid AG - www.netbid.com
PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH - www.pluta.net
Proskauer - www.proskauer.com
RESOR - www.resor.nl
Event Sponsors:
NautaDutilh - www.nautadutilh.com
Edwin Coe – www.edwincoe.com
DLA Piper - www.dlapiper.com
AlixPartners - www.alixpartners.com
hww hermann wienberg wilhelm – www.hww.eu
Hoche Avocats - www.hoche-avocats.com
McStay Luby - www.mcstayluby.ie
Moon Beever - www.moonbeever.com
PROF. DR. PANNEN RECHTSANWÄLTE - www.profpannen.de
anchor rechtsanwälte - www.anchor.eu
Schultze & Braun - www.schubra.de
CITR - www.citr.ro
CNAJMJ (The National Council of Judicial Administrators and Judicial Officers) - www.cnajmj.fr
Schiebe und Collegen - www.schiebe.de
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
bnt attorneys in CEE - www.bnt.eu
CPO (Centre for Professional Legal Education) - www.cpo.nl
Zepos & Yannopoulos - www.zeya.com
Grant Thornton - www.grant-thornton.co.uk
With thanks to our Congress Supporters
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) - www.aija.org
Academic Forum Sponsor
Edwin Coe – www.edwincoe.com