Judicial Wing Introduction

The Judicial Wing was founded in 2006 in Bucharest during INSOL Europe's Annual Congress and initially had five members from five different EU Member States. Meanwhile, the membership has increased considerably to 28 sitting judges from 22 EU Member States and 3 sitting judges from European non-member states. The Judicial Committee’s activities are focused on issues related to cross-border insolvencies.

The Judicial Wing typically meets twice each year. The first meeting is held remotely as a mid-year meeting in March or April of each year. On the day before the opening of INSOL Europe’s Annual Congress, the judges have their second annual meeting in person at the congress venue. 

The next in-person meeting is planned for 3 October 2024, in conjunction with INSOL Europe's annual congress in Sorrento, Italy.
The Judicial Wing has three co-chairs:
  • Michael Quinn (Ireland)
  • Vassilis Portokallis (Greece)
  • Elsbeth de Vos (Netherlands)

If you are interested in additional information about the Judicial Wing, please contact the co-chairs at   judicialwing@insolvencycourts.org