Richard Turton Award Winner 2024

The Richard Turton Award Panel is pleased to announce that the 2024 winner is Emily Onyango from Kenya.

Emily is an Insolvency Professional, Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Governance Auditor, Certified Secretary and Certified Professional Mediator. She is currently a Consultant at Adili Group, an affiliate of Africa Legal Network, where she advises clients on business restructuring, distress, and recovery.
Emily has written a paper on “Financing Corporate Rescue in Kenya: The Case for a Corporate Rescue Fund”, which will be published in summary in one or more of the supporting Associations' journals and can be read in full here.
As part of the award, Ms Onyango was invited to attend the INSOL Europe conference in Sorrento, Italy in October, where she was presented with her award certificate by president Giorgio Corno.
The panel adjudicating this year’s applications was made up of:
  • Barry Cahir, INSOL Europe
  • Neil Cooper, INSOL International
  • Nicky Fisher, R3
  • Yin Lee, IPA
We would like to congratulate Emily on her excellent application, and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year and wish them a successful career in their chosen field.
Full details of the Turton Award and papers of the previous winners can be found below.
Annual Richard Turton Award Competition

The Richard Turton Award is an annual award funded by INSOL Europe, INSOL International, the Insolvency Practitioners Association and R3, the Association of Business Recovery Professionals, jointly created in recognition of Richard Turton’s unique role in the formation of all four organisations.

The Richard Turton Award provides an educational opportunity for a qualifying participant to attend the INSOL Europe Annual Congress with all expenses paid. This award will be given to the best paper proposal and will be presented at the INSOL Europe Annual Congress in Sorrento, Italy on 3-6 October 2024.

Applications are invited from any person who:
  • is a national of a developing or emerging nation;
  • works in or studies in the field of insolvency and restructuring law and practice*;
  • is under 35 years of age.
The successful applicant will:
  • be invited to attend the INSOL Europe Congress in Sorrento, Italy on 3-6 October 2024, all expenses paid;
  • write a paper of 3,000 words on a subject of insolvency and turnaround agreed with the panel. This paper will be published in summary in one or more of the four Member Associations’ journals and in full on their websites;
  • be recognised at the congress and receive a framed certificate of the Richard Turton Award.
If you fulfil the criteria and meet the requirements of the successful applicant, you are invited to apply by sending the following to Jelena Wenlock:
  • your CV;
  • a 200-word statement outlining why you should be chosen;
  • the title and a brief synopsis of your proposed paper.

For more information and to apply contact Jelena Wenlock by 14 June 2024.

*Students satisfying the nationality requirement, but studying in another country, are also eligible to apply.
Richard Turton Award Winner 2023

The Richard Turton Award Panel is pleased to announce that the 2023 winner is Marinela Majnova from North Macedonia. 

Marinela is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business. Marinela's paper on “Consumer Bankruptcy and the Western Balkan Countries: why do they need it?”, will be published in summary in Eurofenix and can be downloaded in full here.

As part of the award, Ms Majnova attended the INSOL Europe Annual Congress in Amsterdam in October.

The panel adjudicating this year’s applications was made up of:
•    Neil Cooper, INSOL International
•    Nicky Fisher, R3
•    Yin Lee, IPA
•    Robert van Galen, INSOL Europe

We would like to congratulate Marinela on her excellent application, and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year and wish them a successful career in their chosen field.
Full details of the Turton Award and papers of the previous winners can be found below.
Richard Turton Award Competition 2022

The Richard Turton Award Panel is pleased to announce that the 2022 winner is Kayode Olude from Nigeria. Kayode is currently studying for a Master of Laws in International Commercial Law at University of Nottingham, his thesis expounding on the prospects of ratification of UNCITRAL Model Laws on cross-border insolvency in Africa’s largest economy – Nigeria, seeking to draw lessons from the experience of other jurisdictions that have adopted the model laws.

Kayode will be writing a paper “Quest for EU harmonisation of cross-border insolvency rules between EU and Non-EU countries; challenges and prospects”, which will be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations' journals and in full here. As part of the award, Mr Olude is invited to attend the INSOL Europe conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia in October.

The panel adjudicating this year’s applications was made up of:
•    Neil Cooper, INSOL International
•    Nicky Fisher, R3
•    Maurice Moses, IPA
•    Robert van Galen, INSOL Europe
Richard Turon Award Winner 2021

Abbas Abbasov

The Richard Turton Award Panel is pleased to announce that the 2021 winner is Abbas Abbasov from Azerbaijan. Abbas is currently a PhD student at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, in Germany, researching cross-border insolvency and restructuring law. His paper on Protection of dissenting creditors’ interests: Direct application of the “substantive fairness’’ test while considering the recognition of foreign restructuring plans” can be downloaded here and will be published in summary in the Autumn edition of Eurofenix. As part of the award, Mr Abbasov is invited to attend the our Congress in Dublin in March 2022.

The panel adjudicating this year’s applications was made up of:
Neil Cooper, INSOL International
Nicky Fisher, R3 Association of Business Recovery Professionals
Maurice Moses, Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) 
Robert van Galen, INSOL Europe
Richard Turton Award Winner 2020
Carla Cervantes

The Award Panel is pleased to announce that the 2020 winner is Carla Cervantes from Peru. Carla is currently working as a legal assistant at Estudio Martinot Abogados. It was a difficult decision, particularly as this year a record number of applications was received.

The panel adjudicating this year’s applications was made up of: Robert van Galen, INSOL Europe; Neil Cooper, INSOL International; Christina Fitzgerald, R3 and Maurice Moses, IPA.

You can read Carla's full paper here: Necessary reforms: Adaptation of insolvency regimes in Latin America due to the crisis (or the Spanish version here.) A summary of the paper will also be published in one or more of the Member Associations' journals.
As part of the award, Ms Cervantes was invited to do a short presentation during the INSOL Europe OGM on 2 October 2020 (a recording of which can be viewed here), and will attend in person the INSOL Europe Congress in Dublin, Ireland in October 2021.

We would like to congratulate Carla on her excellent application, and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year and wish them a successful career in their chosen field.
Richard Turton Award Winner 2019

Odwa Ngxingo

The committee is delighted to announce that the winner of this year’s award is Odwa Ngxingo from South Africa. Odwa is currently working at ASOC Management Company (Pty) Ltd. as a portfolio manager dealing with business rescue and distressed private equity funds, and is active in promotion of insolvency and business rescue awareness in South Africa.

You can read his paper here on “Attitudes towards investing capital in restructuring and turnaround situations, and the multiplier effects deriving therefrom”. The paper will also be published in summary form in the associations' journals.

As part of the award, Odwa is invited to attend the INSOL Europe Congress on 26-29 September 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark. We would like to congratulate Odwa on his excellent application, and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year and wish them successful career in their chosen field.
Richard Turton Award Winner 2018

Yutong Zhang

The committee is delighted to announce that the winner for this year’s award is Yutong Zhang from China. Yutong is a visiting researcher of University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and prior to that he was a PhD candidate at China University of Political Science and Law. Currently Yutong is practicing insolvency and turnaround at JD Finance.

As part of the award, Yutong was invited to attend the INSOL Europe Congress on 6-7 October 2018 in Athens, Greece. We would like to congratulate Yutong on his excellent application and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year.

You can read a summary of Yutong's award-winning paper here on "Blockchain: A Chance for Turnaround Procedure Modernization" or download the full version here.

Richard Turton Award Winner 2017
Bingdao Wang 

The committee is delighted to announce that the winner is Bingdao Wang from China. Bingdao is currently a third year PhD candidate at University of Leeds, UK. His research focuses on the development of cross-border insolvency law in developing countries and explores how experiences from Europe and other developed jurisdictions would help the imperative insolvency system reforms in emerging markets. This is our second winner from China. Previous winners have come from Uganda, Belarus, Hungary, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia as well as PRC.

As part of the award, Bingdao is invited to attend the INSOL Europe Congress on the 5-8 October 2017, which is being held in Warsaw, Poland. His paper will explore the possibility of developing a cross-border insolvency treaty among participants of China’s ’Belt and Road Initiative’. This will be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations’ journals and in full on their website. We would like to congratulate Bingdao for his excellent application and would also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year. 

Download Bingdao's paper here: Promoting Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation: Is China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative an Opportunity?
Richard Turton Award Winner 2016

Dr. Róbert Muzsalyi

The committee is delighted to announce that the 2016 winner is Dr. Róbert Muzsalyi from Hungary. Róbert works as a judicial clerk in the Supreme Court of Hungary. He is currently studying for his PhD (research topic ‘The Impact of EU Law on Hungarian Procedural Law’) at the Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary.

This is the first time that we have had a winner from Hungary. Previous winners have come from Uganda, Belarus, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, PRC, Romania, Russia and Serbia.

As part of the award, Róbert is invited to attend the INSOL Europe Annual Congress (Lisbon, Portugal). He will be writing a paper on ”Directors’ liability: what should be the minimum harmonisation in the EU”, that will be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations’ journals and in full on their website. We would like to congratulate Róbert for his excellent application and would also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year.

Download Róbert's paper here: Directors’ liability: what should be the minimum harmonisation in the EU
Richard Turton Award Winner 2015

Waiswa Abudu-Salam

The Committee is delighted to announce that the 2015 winner is Waiswa Abudu Sallam from Uganda. Waiswa works for the Uganda Revenue Authority in the Debt Collection Department. He is currently studying for a Master of Laws in Corporate and Insolvency Law at Nottingham Trent University, UK (by distance learning). This is the first time we have had a winner from Uganda: Previous winners have come from Belaruse, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, PRC, Romania, Russia and Serbia.

As part of the award, Waiswa is invited to attend the INSOL Europe Annual Congress (Berlin, Germany). He will be writing a paper that will be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations’ journals and in full on their websites. We would like to congratulate Waiswa for his excellent application and also thank all the candidates who applied for the award this year. There were many excellent submissions and the judges task was very difficult this year.

Download Waiswa's paper here: Insolvency Proceedings; A Double Edged Debt Collection Tool
WG - Eastern European Countries' Committee
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