
Applicable Law

Commercial Code, Book VI, Law of enterprises in difficulty (Legislative Part)
Commercial Code, Book VI, Law of enterprises in difficulty (Regulatory Part)
Source: Legifrance

Please note that this legislation applies to any natural person exercising a commercial, artisanal, agricultural or an independent professional ac tivity, including a liberal profession subject to a legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected, as well as to any legal person under private law.

Proceedings dealing with the overindebtedness of individuals is exclusively governed by Articles L. 711-1 to L771-12 and R. 711-1 to R771-6 of the French Consumer Code.

English version
Commercial code as at 01 July 2013 (not updated)

Implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/1023

Implementing texts
Ordinance of 15 September 2021
Decree of 23 September 2021

Additional resources
How France has implemented Directive (EU) 2019/1023 (as part of the Joint Project between INSOL Europe and LexisPSL on the implementation analysis of the Directive (EU) 2019/1023 in the EU Member States - as at 20/04/2022)


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