AIJA / INSOL Europe Young Members Group
Joint Conference
13-15 June 2019, Mallorca, Spain
Save the date! Call for contributions!
Athens is still in our mind… it was a great success and a wonderful Congress. Our drinks reception (kindly sponsored by Schiebe und Collegen) was hugely popular as well with more than 100 young professionals attending!
As you might remember, the drinks reception was also the opportunity to announce a new format organized for our YMG members: a joint seminar with the international association of young lawyers – AIJA. This seminar will take place from 13-15 June 2019 (save the date!) on the beautiful island of Mallorca! We are happy and proud to let you know that the program for this first joint seminar, exclusively organized for and by young insolvency professionals, has now been agreed upon and finalized!
The general idea of the seminar is to put forward young insolvency professionals which will be realized by an interactive / participative concept, which means:
Firstly, we are seeking to involve YOU into the seminar’s program, meaning that we invite you to join the seminar not only as participant but as panelist/speaker and/or as chairman of one of the panels. The topics to be dealt with and the positions to be occupied as well as the application process are detailed below.
Secondly, AIJA will be calling for speakers/panelists on their side as well and the idea would be to have Insol Europe/AIJA-mixed panels enabling panel participants to broaden their professional network towards the members of the respective other organization.
Thirdly, if you choose not to run for one of the panels, you will still be able to take an active role at the seminar, as we have provided for four debate panels where delegates will be able to vote via a smartphone app for the speaker / opinion that has convinced them more. Besides, you will obviously also have the chance to meet young Insol Europe and AIJA delegates and broaden your professional network.
Besides the technical program, the seminar will provide for various networking opportunities during lunch/coffee breaks, a drinks reception on Thursday evening, a beautiful dinner on Friday evening, a (optional) social program on Saturday afternoon (not yet defined but with the promise of exciting activities) and an (optional) dinner on Saturday evening.
We will inform you in due course when the registration for the seminar will be opened.
Accommodation / Registration Fee
The estimated costs of the seminar will be as follows:
Proposed technical program for Friday, 14 June 2019
Proposed technical program for Saturday, 15 June 2019
Being a chairman of a panel / debate
Your job as a chairman of a panel / debate will be to act as coordinator of the panel / debate and being the link between the panelist-team and the event’s organization team. Tasks will encounter gathering input by the panelists, streamlining the technical content of the panel as well as the PowerPoint presentation that will have to be prepared by the respective panelists, introducing panelists and giving a brief overview of the topic at the seminar, moderating the panel / the debate and, finally, giving a short summary of the topic / findings to conclude the panel.
Being a panelist
Your job as panelist will be to work out technical details of the panel, including a (short, to-the-point) PowerPoint presentation on the topic you will be speaking about, in cooperation with your fellow panelist(s) and the chairman.
Being a speaker (debate panels)
Your job as a speaker of a debate panel will be to prepare the debate in a one-sided way, i.e. arguing (only) for or against the actual problem. The major arguments you will raise for/against the problem could be outlined on one PowerPoint slide in bullet-point format. Please note that delegates will – at the end of the debate – vote via a smartphone app on what side was the more convincing one.
If you wish to participate in one of the panels / debates as panelist, speaker and/or chairman please contact us via e-mail stating the topic(s) you would be interested in until 31 January 2019 and, if you are running for the role of a panelist or speaker, a very brief outline on what you would like to say on the topic. We will gather applications, coordinate with AIJA’s organization team and let you know by mid-February 2019 for what role / topic you have been chosen and who your team will be.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact one of us. We will be more than happy to help you find the right topic / role and get you in touch with potential other panelists, i.e. to team up or discuss the topic in more detail.
Last but not least: Sponsoring the seminar
The seminar will be a great opportunity for you/your firm to reach out to a wide community of young and motivated insolvency professionals issued from two large organizations. Details on available sponsorship packages can be found enclosed. Please contact our Sponsorship Manager Hannah Denney for details, should you/your firm be interested in becoming a sponsor.
We are very much excited hearing back from you, having you on panels and making this seminar a true YMG event.
Co-Chairs of the Young Members Group:
Georges-Louis Harang (
Anne Bach (
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