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May 2019: Conference News & Updates |

Dear Members
May, is, in the UK at least, a month with two bank holidays. This should mean a bit more time out of the office and a bit of relaxation – however, time waits for no man (or woman) and so there are plenty of things to be getting on with.
I am very pleased to announce an exciting new development in our organisation, the founding of a Legal Tech and Digital Assets wing. The wing is designed to consider developments in this complex and ever-changing area, one which is increasing relevant in many situations we have all have to deal with. We have already found three co-Chairs for this wing, Frank Heemann (BNT, Lithuania), Laurent Le Pajolec (Exco, Poland) and Jose Carles (Carles Cuesta, Spain) and I know they will shortly be formally launching this initiative – please join me in supporting them. For further details of this new wing, see below.
Early May was also a time to visit the Annual Congress and gala dinner venues in Copenhagen and I had a great visit, supported by the INSOL Europe conference team (who as you all know do a fabulous job) and also Piya Mukherjee (a Dane and our next President) who supplied some local tips. I am really looking forward to our Congress in September and think you will be impressed by the venue and its facilities as well as the hospitality of the Danish people.
ON the 22ndof this month we co-hosted an event with INSOL International in Stockholm and a report from the conference is provided below by Emma Inacio, so read on to see what you missed!
Alastair Beveridge
President of INSOL Europe

Alastair Beveridge
President of
INSOL Europe
This issue is kindly sponsored by:

DLA Piper is a global law
firm with lawyers located
in more than 40 countries throughout the world.
EECC Conference Ljubljana, 6-7 June 2019: One week to go! |
Annual Congress Copenhagen, Denmark: Register and save! |
INSOL Europe
Annual Congress
Copenhagen, Denmark
26-29 September 2019
Register and save!
Don't forget to take advantage of the early booking rates and secure your place before 1 July.
Download the Congress Brochure
or Register Online Today!

Registration for this event is only available online.
INSOL Europe hosts panel at SPBILF in St. Petersburg |
We are delighted to announce that INSOL Europe was invited to hold a panel at the III International Insolvency Forum which took place during the Annual St Petersburg International Legal Forum (SPBILF) from 15 to 17 May 2019, reports Emma Inacio, INSOL Europe Technical Officer.
The whole event was attended by circa 1400 delegates including representatives of international organisations.

On Thursday 16 May, Evert Verwey (co-chair of the INSOL Europe EECC) and Emmanuelle Inacio (co-chair of the INSOL Europe High-Level Course on Insolvency) co-moderated the INSOL Europe panel session devoted to the implementation of a rescue culture. The panellists invited to join the INSOL Europe panel were Christina Fussi (Co-Chair of the Insolvent Financial Institutions Subcommittee of the IBA Insolvency Section), Carrie-Ann James (Vice-President of the Insolvency Practitioners Association), Edward Olevinsky (head of the Advisory Council of the Russian Union of Self-Regulated Organizations of Arbitration Managers) and Artur Trapitsyn (member of the Board of the Russian Union of Self-Regulated Organizations of Arbitration Managers and chairman of the Self-Regulated Organization of Arbitration Managers "Merkuriy").
After a presentation of INSOL Europe, the panel took the form of a discussion where the participants identified the main elements of the pre-insolvency procedures in their own jurisdictions and presented the future directive on preventive restructuring frameworks as an opportunity to seize not only to harmonise the rescue culture in the European Union but beyond, which was greatly welcomed by our Russian hosts.
INSOL Europe was proud to be present at the 2018 and 2019 SPBILF which has emerged as a foremost international platform for discussing a broad range of urgent questions confronting the contemporary international community of legal professionals.
INSOL Europe President opens Joint Seminar in Stockholm |
The One Day Seminar jointly organised by INSOL International and INSOL Europe on Wednesday 22 May 2019 drew together in the beautiful city of Stockholm, 81 registered delegates from ten jurisdictions, namely Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, the UK and Australia, reports Emma Inacio, INSOL Europe Technical Officer.
Despite the sunny weather and temperatures reaching 30°C degrees outside, the delegates did not quit the Seminar room of the Grand Hôtel due to the topical programme prepared by the chair and main organising Committee.
The welcome speech was given by the president of INSOL Europe, Alastair Beveridge (AlixPartners, UK). Following on from the successful seminars in 2017 in Tel Aviv and in 2018 in Helsinki, Alastair announced that INSOL International and INSOL Europe were delighted to organise their 2019 Joint One Day Seminar in Stockholm with the support of restructuring professionals from across the Nordic region. Indeed, the cooperation between both organisations which act at a global and local level is indispensable and should be maintained for the future.
A full report will be published in the next edition of Eurofenix.
Special Offers for Members of INSOL Europe |
We have arranged many special offers for our members, including exclusive discounts on publications and events as well as special rates for advertising in Eurofenix, our quarterly journal. These are often time limited and updated regularly on the Members Offers section of the website.
Offers are changed regularly and currently include:
- 20% discount off selected titles from Oxford University Press
- 10% discount off an individual subscription to Global Restructuring Review
- A discounted 'Pro' profile on SpeakerHub
INSIDE Story: Jurisdictional Conflict in Estonia |
By its order of 10 October 2018, the Supreme Court of Estonia refused permission to appeal in Civil Matter No.2-17-17487, thereby approving the order of the Tallinn District Court dated 27 July 2018. In this matter, the bankruptcy of an individual was declared in Estonia, despite the fact that the debtor argued that his centre of main interests (“COMI”) was in the United Arab Emirates. The Estonian courts took the position that the debtor could not rely on the Recast EIR in cases where the COMI of the debtor lies outside the EU.

As a result, the Estonian courts declared the bankruptcy of the debtor in Estonia by applying the Estonian Bankruptcy Code and the Code of Civil Procedure without determining the COMI, relying on the argument that the debtor lived in Estonia. Overall, the outcome is unusual. On the one hand, Estonian courts found that COMI was outside the EU and that the EIR was inapplicable, but, on the other hand, they nonetheless opened a main insolvency procedure in Estonia by declaring the bankruptcy of the debtor in Estonia. Anto Kasak, Partner, Advokaadibüroo Kasak & Missik, Tallinn reports on this contradictory case. Read the full Inside Story and other articles here.
If you would like the opportunity to have your Inside Story published in a future edition, please email Communications Manager, Paul Newson for details.
New Wing: "Legal Tech & Digital Assets" to be launched |
At the end of March INSOL Europe’s Council approved the formation of a new wing “Legal Tech & Digital Assets” and appointed Frank Heemann (bnt attorneys in CEE), José Carles (Carles Cuesta Abogados) and Laurent Le Pajolec (Exco A2A Polska) as its co-chairs. The wing is currently in its set-up phase. Members interested in joining and contributing to the wing’s activities are invited to contact one of the three co-chairs.
The new wing will operate as specialized working group bundling and developing know-how and expertise in the field of legal technology and digital assets, thus enabling INSOL Europe to successfully implement its goals and strategies in times of an ever increasing impact of modern technology.
The general goals of the wing are to:
- Study & develop the legal framework for legal tech & digital assets
- Educate & train members (e.g. by way of conference panels, seminars, a new column in eurofenix dedicated to legal tech & digital assets)
- Attract new members (including new type of members from the legal tech industry)
At the beginning, the wing will focus on the following two projects:
Associations / Organizations / contact persons on a national level
We will screen and collect information about associations & organizations that have been formed and are active on a national level in the area of legal tech & digital assets. The aim is to create a database of relevant organizations & associations with contact persons in order to enable INSOL Europe and our wing to approach these players for information sharing and future projects.
Monitoring and informing about developments, products, services, providers
We will establish a process to monitor the developments in the field of legal tech & digital assets and to inform INSOL Europe members on developments, products, services, providers. A new column for legal tech & digital will be one of the communication channels for this purpose.
Other projects will also depend on the composition of the wing and the involvement of its members. More information will follow regarding the wing's activities.
Dates for your Diary: Forthcoming events |
Registration is still open for our insolvency seminar 'Make twilight a new dawn: defensive and offensive strategies in insolvency matters' held in cooperation with AIJA, from 13-15 June in Mallorca. We therefore invite all members under the age of 45 (or thereabouts) to join us and find out the latest on insolvency matters.
Besides the technical programme, the seminar will provide for various networking opportunities during lunch/coffee breaks, a drinks reception on Thursday evening, a beautiful dinner on Friday evening, an (optional) social programme on Saturday afternoon and an (optional) dinner on Saturday evening.
INSOL Europe members can register at the same rate as AIJA members.

Find out more and reserve
your place here.
The German Bar Association's (DAV) Working Group Europe, as part of the DAV’s Practice Group on lnsolvency Law and Restructuring, is pleased to announce its 8th European lnsolvency Law and Restructuring Congress (EIRC) in Brussels from 27 to 28 June 2019, jointly organized with INSOL Europe.
This conference offers a unique forum for leading insolvency and restructuring experts to discuss the hot topics of national and cross border insolvency and restructuring proceedings and enable delegates to hear directly from high ranking members of the European Commission.
A main feature of this year’s congress will be the draft EU directive on pre-insolvency restructuring. Since Member States will soon have to translate the directive into national legislation, it is worth looking across national borders and learning from the implementation discussions abroad. Focus will be on the United Kingdom and Brexit, not least in anticipation of the inevitable changes Brexit will bring to our industry. In light of the changes, the debate will again touch on the most effective restructuring forum for future cases as well as on the future of the Common Market as such.
Attendees may enjoy a networking dinner and drinks on Thursday evening and an opportunity to continue the day’s discussions with panellists in a relaxed environment.
Sponsorship opportunities still exist for this conference, so if you would like to give your business some excellent exposure in the heart of Brussels, contact Sponsorship Manager Hannah Denney for details of what is available.
For further information about the full programme
or to register your place, visit the DAV website here
Cross-border restructuring: at a crossroads in the wake of Brexit?
This conference is an analysis of the “cutting edge” of the international restructuring sphere. The incredibly fast-paced and dynamic qualities of the sector mean we must adapt and change with it. Again and again this conference has proved that it is ahead of the curve, anticipating the upcoming trends in the market and providing detailed insight into them. This year will be no different. If you want to stay ahead of the game, attendance is a must. The conference is worth 8 CPD points.
The programme will include:
- Detailed cross-border case studies of two of the most important cross-border cases of recent years, Agrokor and Steinhoff, from some of the key players in both.
- A panel session on the NPL landscape, the new tools to weather it and the new players entering the market.
- A panel session on the different approaches being taken in the UK and Europe in regard to pre-insolvency procedures and the potential for this to be a new battle ground.
- An international line up of speakers to be announced...
- PLUS: Complimentary drinks reception!
Visit the R3 website for further information or to register your place.
We welcome feedback, news and story ideas for future newsletters.
Please send your suggestions to Paul Newson, Communications Manager,
INSOL Europe, PO Box 7149, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 6WD. Tel: +44 115 8780584 | |
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Disclaimer: This newsletter is sent to members of INSOL Europe. No responsibility legal or otherwise is accepted by INSOL Europe for any errors, omissions or otherwise. The opinions expressed in the articles that appear are not necessarily shared by any representative of INSOL Europe. |