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May 2020: Association News & Updates |

Dear Members
I hope this finds all of you and your loved ones well and safe.
Denmark is gradually opening up again, the sun is shining and it is good to be back in the office again. We are returning to normal, or rather should I say a new normal, where we still keep our distance, value the efficiency of video meetings and where our Michelin starred restaurant Noma has transformed itself to a burger-joint offering six-starred burgers!
May has indeed been a busy month for INSOL Europe!
As you will see in the heading above, we have a new logo! Below is a short note on why the logo was changed and the thoughts behind the new logo.
The new logo was designed by our brilliant Communications Manager, Paul Newson who has a long career in graphic design and corporate branding. A huge thank you to Paul for this great design, which captures perfectly the heart and soul of INSOL Europe.
I hope many of you have seen our COVID Coffee Breaks featuring INSOL Europe Country Coordinators. If not, grab a coffee, scroll down, click on the link and get an update – in just 20 minutes. Our secretariat has worked at the speed of lightning to bring these short web videos to you. We are indeed privileged to have such a great team working behind the scenes.
In June we will be warming up to the Council elections which will take place towards the end of July. The Council is the "Board" of INSOL Europe and each country with 30 or more members have a reserved seat on the Council. Additionally, there are a maximum of 6 non-reserved seats. Each Council member is elected for three years, so each year some seats become vacant. During the last week of June, a "Call for Council Nominations" will be sent out to all members, inviting members to stand for the election. Please look out for this call which will come with a description of the role as Council member. And please do consider standing for election – you will not regret it!
With warm regards,
Piya Mukherjee
President of INSOL Europe

Piya Mukherjee
President of
INSOL Europe
This issue is kindly sponsored by:

DLA Piper is a global law
firm with lawyers located
in more than 40 countries throughout the world.
Introducing: COVID Coffee Breaks |
We are very excited to have recently launched a series of webinars – 'COVID Coffee Breaks'. These are short videos in which two or three INSOL Europe Country Coordinators share personal experiences of the COVID-19 crisis in their countries and give highlights of reforms and challenges of national insolvency framework to address the current crisis.
We have published several videos now featuring participants from:
- France, Luxembourg and Belgium
- The Netherlands and Germany
- Italy, Austria and Switzerland
- UK, Ireland & Channel Islands

Watch the videos here
The COVID Coffee Breaks are free for all to view, so please do share the coming invitations with your colleagues and friends. Take a break, have a coffee and enjoy the COVID Coffee Break!
The COVID Coffee Breaks are brought to you in partnership with LexisNexis with whom INSOL Europe is honoured to collaborate on the COVID-19 tracker of insolvency reforms globally.
Introducing: Our new logo! |
We are very pleased to present the new logo of INSOL Europe which you can see at the top of this email and on our website.
The INSOL Europe logo had not been updated since the turn of the century and we have long considered it due for an overhaul. The map in the logo has always been a contentious issue with subtle changes over the years, but there comes a point where the design will not represent our future goals no matter how much tweaking and finessing it is given.

Since our new website was launched in 2015 and had been revamped several times to keep up with new focus of our organisation, the logo was showing its age in the new digital world. It was definitely time for a re-brand!
The new logo has a strong graphical connection to the old design. The map of Europe in the new logo is replaced by a blue dot positioned where Europe is generally shown on globes. This represents INSOL Europe at the heart of the network on many different levels, whether geographically or metaphorically.
The new logo will be rolled out on all our materials and will be publishing usage guidelines soon.
New: Second EU Directive Guidance Note Published |
INSOL Europe is pleased to publish its second Guidance Note on the implementation of preventive restructuring frameworks under the EU Directive 2019/1023, this time dealing with the stay of individual enforcement actions to be enacted pursuant to Articles 6 and 7 of the Directive. The main author of this Note is Ben Schuijling.
Download the Guidance Note

In the course of 2020, INSOL Europe plans to publish several guidance notes on Directive 2019/1023 with the aim of assisting EU Member States with:
- Putting the restructuring frameworks mandated by the Directive in place as soon as possible where no similar restructuring frameworks exist, in a manner that will be useful to their credit and other markets strained by the Covid-19 epidemic; or
- Where equivalent restructuring frameworks do already exist, refining and adapting them to the Directive.
The Guidance Notes are a product of the "Directive Project" which was launched in March 2019. For further information please visit our website.
Special Offers for Members of INSOL Europe |
We have arranged many special offers for our members, including exclusive discounts on publications and events as well as special rates for advertising in Eurofenix, our quarterly journal. These are often time limited and updated regularly on the Members Offers section of the website.
Offers are changed regularly and currently include:
- 20% discount off selected titles from Oxford University Press
- 10% discount off an individual subscription to Global Restructuring Review
- A discounted 'Pro' profile on SpeakerHub
INSIDE Story: COVID-19 and Insolvency Developments in Italy |
Italy’s national lockdown in response to the COVID-19 health emergency has been in place since 9 March 2020. Several contingency rules aimed at containing the economic and financial impact of the related lockdown were quickly adopted, affecting various area of law related to business activity, as company and insolvency law.
This Inside Story means to point out the most relevant changes involving insolvency law, on the premise that these provisions could be further modified or integrated due to the general uncertainty of the length (and after effects) of the emergency situation.

Domenico Benincasa, Francesca Burigo, and Carlo Ghia, report for INSOL Europe. Read the full story and other articles here.
If you would like the opportunity to have your Inside Story published in a future edition, please email Communications Manager, Paul Newson for details.
Updated: COVID-19 Tracker of Insolvency Reforms |
A tracker of insolvency reforms globally produced by Lexis Nexis in partnership with INSOL Europe is now available on our website.
We look at various countries which are expediting reforms to their restructuring and insolvency laws, temporarily suspending onerous insolvency law provisions, increasing limits for statutory demands, suspending enforcement powers and introducing other measures to deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
As the situation is rapidly evolving with more countries adding new measures daily, you should contact local lawyers in the relevant jurisdiction to check the current measures in force.
Our thoughts are with our colleagues around the world impacted by COVID-19.
The 'Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law' (CERIL) has published an Executive Statement 2020-1 on COVID-19 and insolvency legislation which can be found on our Technical Resources website.
Richard Turton Award 2020: Open for entries |

The Richard Turton Award provides an educational opportunity for a qualifying participant to attend an INSOL Europe Annual Congress, all expenses paid.
The award is open to applicants who:
- Are a national of a developing or emerging nation;
- Work in or are actively studying insolvency & restructuring law and practice;
- Students satisfying the nationality requirement, but studying in another country, are also eligible to apply;
- Are under 35 years of age at the date of the application; and
- Have sufficient command of spoken English to benefit from the conference technical programme.
The successful applicant will be invited to do a short presentation during the INSOL Europe webinar on 2 October 2020 and attend the 2021 INSOL Europe Annual Congress in Dublin, Ireland, all expenses paid.
He or she will also be asked to write a paper of 3,000 words on a subject of insolvency and turnaround to be agreed with the panel. This paper will then be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations' journals and on their websites.
For full details including the closing date for entries, visit our website here.
Date for your diary: Joint Fraud Conference, 27 October 2020 |
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a joint conference with R3 and the Fraud Advisory Panel in London on 27 October 2020 at the Chartered Accountants’ Hall (Moorgate Place), London. For updates on this event, please visit our website.
Please note, this event will take place on-line if we are not able to meet in person.
AIJA Winter Seminar, Chamonix, 24-27 March 2021 |
The AIJA Insolvency Commission and INSOL Europe’s Young Members Group invite you to a winter seminar in the beautiful mountain resort of Chamonix, France.
We are delighted to be working together again on a seminar which will give participants the opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the insolvency field and network with professionals from both organisations and many jurisdictions.
The academic program will take place in the mornings, leaving afternoons free to take part in winter sports, enjoy stunning views of Mont Blanc, or simply for relaxation in the spa.

The social programme will take full advantage of the alpine activities and vibrant nightlife of Chamonix, allowing attendees to strengthen their professional network in this fun and unusual setting.
Further information will be posted on the AIJA website when available.
We welcome feedback, news and story ideas for future newsletters.
Please send your suggestions to Paul Newson, Communications Manager,
INSOL Europe, PO Box 7149, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 6WD. Tel: +44 115 8780584 | |
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Disclaimer: This newsletter is sent to members of INSOL Europe. No responsibility legal or otherwise is accepted by INSOL Europe for any errors, omissions or otherwise. The opinions expressed in the articles that appear are not necessarily shared by any representative of INSOL Europe. |