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March 2020: Conference News & Updates |

Dear Members
In my intro to the February newsletter I wrote that we were all holding our breath and hoping for the best regarding COVID-19. Sadly, that was not enough. The current situation is unprecedented. COVID-19 has now a grip on virtually the entire world and especially Europe.
It tears my heart to see pictures of the endless rows of coffins in Italy. Of overworked doctors and nurses fighting heroically to save as many lives as possible. All we can do – and must do – is to stay home and stay safe.
INSOL Europe’s EECC conference in Kyiv, scheduled for 21-22 May is postponed until later on this year. Several co-labelled events are postponed or cancelled.
Some good news: Our Annual Congress in Sorrento, Italy, 1-4 October 2020 is still going ahead as planned at the moment.
Please join me in welcoming our new Co-Director of Administration, Catherine Dyke-Price who joined INSOL Europe in March. Further down in this newsletter are some words from Catherine who will be working alongside Caroline Taylor until October, when Catherine will take over as Director of Administration and Caroline will switch to Event Strategy Director.
Our Directive Project Group has been working hard on drafting Guidance Notes aimed to assist legislators in the Member States in the implementation of the Directive on Pre-insolvency Restructuring. The first in the series of Guidance Notes, a Note authored by Group Chair Adrian Thery and Tomas Richter on Claims, Classes, Voting, Confirmation and the Cross-Class Cram-Down will very soon be published. I promise you – it will be a very good and informative read! A huge thanks to Adrian, Tomas and the rest of the members of the Directive Project – Jean Baron, Rita Gismondi, Ben Schuijling, Evert Verwey, Michael Quinn, Alberto Nuñez-Lagos and Michael Veder.
And finally, if working from home becomes tedious, here are some suggestions for alternative activities ;-)
Until April!
Piya Mukherjee
President of INSOL Europe

Piya Mukherjee
President of
INSOL Europe
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Welcome to our new Co-Director of Administration |
Catherine Dyke-Price has joined INSOL Europe as Co-Director of Administration, working alongside Caroline Taylor who will take on the new role of Conference Strategy Director in October.
“I am very excited to be joining INSOL Europe. As has already been mentioned to me by several members, I have “big shoes to fill”. I can in no way replace Caroline like-to-like with her 30+ years’ experience and knowledge. Thank you for the warm welcome so far! What has already struck me from my small interaction with the Executive and INSOL Europe staff is the sense of a real team spirit and being part of a family. So I am very honoured that you have welcomed me into this family.

A little about me… I have come from Johnson Matthey, a FTSE 100 listed company. I worked as Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive of Clean Air and Project Manager Officer. Clean Air is one of JM’s four businesses. Clean Air as a sector is a global business with turnover of £2.5bn, 6500 employees and 17 manufacturing sites. In the last year I have been formally qualifying for my project manager certifications which I now have and have spent the last 3.5 months in Poland as the Project Manager for a 1.5m Euro office fit out project. I hope to bring some of this experience to INSOL Europe and I am excited to see where the association will be in another 5-10 years. I have also had experience working for an association for search consultants so this is not completely unfamiliar territory!
I look forward working with you all and meeting some of you later in the year at our Annual Congress in Sorrento.”
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Events Update |
As you are aware, the situation regarding the new Coronavirus is changing on a daily basis. INSOL Europe has been closely monitoring developments of the impact of COVID-19 at local and global levels. The health and well-being of the INSOL Europe community are our priority.
Following advice provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and European governments, many of our forthcoming events are now affected.
- The joint conference in Zagreb, planned for 27-28 March, has now been postponed.
- The joint conference with INSOLAD on 11 June in Amsterdam has now been postponed.
- The joint conference with R3, planned for 2 July in London, has now been cancelled.
- The Eastern European Countries Committee Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, on 21-22 May is now postponed until the Autumn.
INSOL Europe will continue to monitor all developments related to COVID-19 and will advise as soon as possible on future developments.
Please note that our Annual Congress in Sorrento, Italy, 1-4 Ocober 2020 is still going ahead as planned at the moment.
For any additional information, please contact Harriet Taylor.
Our thoughts are with our colleagues around the world impacted by COVID-19.
The 'Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law' (CERIL) has published an Executive Statement 2020-1 on COVID-19 and insolvency legislation which can be found on our Technical Resources website.
Annual Congress 2020 Sorrento: Save the date! |
Our 39th Annual Congress in Sorrento (Italy) from 1 to 4 October 2020 is currently going ahead as planned.
Expect lemon groves, implausibly clear waters, a spectacular view of the Gulf of Naples and marvellous sunsets. It was here, though, that Ulysses resisted the tempting chants of the Sirens, tied to the mast of his ship and with his ears plugged with wax!
Expect a tempting technical programme. An enriching plethora of debates and discussions under the visionary overall theme “Towards a New World”. In this new world, Brexit would have happened (…or would it?), Member States will be in the process of transposing the Directive on Pre-Insolvency Restructuring and the new groundbreaking reform of Italian insolvency law would have come into force.

These and many more visions will be the topics of the sessions in the technical programme put together expertly by our hardworking Congress Technical Committee with co-chairs Giorgio Corno (Studio Corno Avvocati) and Simeon Gilchrist (Edwin Coe) at the helm. We are very pleased and thankful for all the suggestions for topics received from the membership – the Congress Technical Committee has been spoilt for choice!
Visit our website or Download the Congress Flyer for more details.
Special Offers for Members of INSOL Europe |
We have arranged many special offers for our members, including exclusive discounts on publications and events as well as special rates for advertising in Eurofenix, our quarterly journal. These are often time limited and updated regularly on the Members Offers section of the website.
Offers are changed regularly and currently include:
- 20% discount off selected titles from Oxford University Press
- 10% discount off an individual subscription to Global Restructuring Review
- A discounted 'Pro' profile on SpeakerHub
INSIDE Story: Light at the end of the Debt Tunnel in Finland |
No claim stands forever automatically, and debtors are protected by a kind of prescription (limitation) period set by legislation. Through the passage of time, by prescription, creditors lose their right to collect the receivables owed to them. The prescription period may refer to the time limit in which the material receivable expires or to a procedural time limit within which the creditor must file a claim in court. Usually, the material time limit can be interrupted by instituting formal or informal proceedings or notifications against the debtor before the prescription time lapses.

The effect of an interruption is a new or an extended prescription period. The creditor’s right to unlimited interruptions means a lifelong debt burden for a debtor. To cure this distress, many countries in the European Union and elsewhere have adopted different kinds of debt adjustment procedures for private persons. However, these proceedings may be time consuming and they are not suitable for all, including debtors with irregular incomes or entrepreneurs who may have difficulties in implementing the repayment plan, writes Tuula Linna, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland. Read the full story and other articles here.
If you would like the opportunity to have your Inside Story published in a future edition, please email Communications Manager, Paul Newson for details.
Academic Conference Sorrento Call for Papers |
17 April submission deadline approaching soon!
The Academic Forum of INSOL Europe will be hosting its 16th annual conference in Sorrento, Italy, on Wednesday 30 September–Thursday 1 October 2020, immediately prior to INSOL Europe's main annual conference taking place in Sorrento from 1 to 4 October, 2020.
Expressions of interest are invited for the delivery of research papers within the overall academic conference's theme, which will be: “The Emerging New Landscape of European Restructuring and Insolvency”.
The theme is intended to focus on, inter alia, the following overall topics:
• Commentaries on the 2019/1023 Directive as such
• First reports on implementation issues arising in the EU Member States
• Other related topics.
The closing date for proposals is 17 April 2020.
For further details, please visit the Academic Website here.
Nurturing European Doctoral Talent in Leiden |
From 5 to 6 March 2020, the BWILC (“Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection”) Foundation organised a second edition of the PhD Workshop on European and International Insolvency Law.
The Foundation invited thirteen PhD candidates representing eleven universities from across Europe to present and discuss their current research in an environment tailored for furthering their academic talents.

Photo: Monique Shaw
The foundation was established in 2016, upon the donation by Emeritus Professor Bob Wessels of his extensive private book collection, which has now been made available in the library of the Leiden Law School. The board of the foundation is comprised of Professor Matthias Haentjens, Professor Reinout Vriesendorp, Professor Eric Dirix, Professor Stephan Madaus, and Dr. Paul Omar. Bob Wessels is the patron of the Foundation. The foundation has taken the initiative of organising a two-day PhD workshop in Leiden on an annual basis to enable PhD students to present and discuss their research with colleagues and eminent scholars.
Read the full report by Gert-Jan Boon, Axel Krohn and Chiara Lunetti, participants at the workshop, on our website.
Richard Turton Award 2020 |

The Richard Turton Award provides an educational opportunity for a qualifying participant to attend the INSOL Europe Annual Congress, which this year will be held from 1-4 October in Sorrento, Italy.
The award is open to applicants who:
- Are a national of a developing or emerging nation;
- Work in or are actively studying insolvency & restructuring law and practice;
- Students satisfying the nationality requirement, but studying in another country, are also eligible to apply;
- Are under 35 years of age at the date of the application; and
- Have sufficient command of spoken English to benefit from the conference technical programme.
The successful applicant will be asked to write a paper of 3,000 words on a subject of insolvency and turnaround to be agreed with the panel. This paper will then be published in summary in one or more of the Member Associations' journals and on their websites.
For full details including the closing date for entries, visit our website here.
Date for your diary: Joint Fraud Conference, 27 October 2020 |

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a joint conference with R3 and the Fraud Advisory Panel in London on 27 October 2020 at the Chartered Accountants’ Hall (Moorgate Place), London.
Full details will be announced on our website shortly. A draft programme can be downloaded here.
We welcome feedback, news and story ideas for future newsletters.
Please send your suggestions to Paul Newson, Communications Manager,
INSOL Europe, PO Box 7149, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 6WD. Tel: +44 115 8780584 | |
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Disclaimer: This newsletter is sent to members of INSOL Europe. No responsibility legal or otherwise is accepted by INSOL Europe for any errors, omissions or otherwise. The opinions expressed in the articles that appear are not necessarily shared by any representative of INSOL Europe. |