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September 2020: Association News & Updates |

Dear Members
Our Online Conference "Towards a New World" will roll out through October. It is free for all members – but do remember to register your attendance. The conference is a live session which gives you an opportunity to interact with the panelists. See below for details of this and our other live events coming soon.
I am very proud and pleased that our first keynote speaker on the first Thursday of the conference, 8 October, is a fellow Dane! Lars Liebst was CEO of Tivoli for over 20 years. Under his expert and innovative leadership, Tivoli, the famous theme park in Copenhagen dating back from 1843, was transformed from being rather antiquated and lossmaking to cutting-edge, popular and highly profitable. Thanks to Lars, Tivoli was in very good financial shape when the Covid-19 crisis set in and especially hit the tourist and experience sector. Lars' perspective of the crisis will without doubt be extremely interesting!
In addition to the keynotes, exciting panels are lined up – and each Thursday session no longer than a nice lunch break to make it possible for you to fit it into your busy schedules.
On 8 September I had the honour of representing INSOL Europe in a virtual discussion organised by the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) to explore the impact of the crisis on businesses in financial difficulties. The EBRD aims to help national authorities identify what can be done to improve their current frameworks and introduce the longer-term reforms needed to help businesses to return to viability. Initially, the EBRD has launched an assessment on business reorganisation tools and all members are invited to contribute to this project – see below for more details.
In October my year as President of INSOL Europe will come to an end and I will be handing the baton on to Marcel Groenewegen, from the Netherlands. It has been a year full of challenges and new opportunities. A huge thank you to the INSOL Europe Secretariat for their willingness and dedication to rethink and innovate to ensure that this splendid association continues to stay relevant to its members in times when physical meetings have not been possible.
My best wishes,
Piya Mukherjee
President of INSOL Europe

Piya Mukherjee
President of
INSOL Europe
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Towards a New World: Now only a few weeks away! |
Our iconic annual event will be online this year. It will consist of a series of four sessions which will take place throughout October under the heading 'Towards a New World'. Sessions will feature a keynote speaker and two live panels with a hand-picked selection of international experts speaking on a range of highly relevant and important topics.
Registration will be free for members or €100+VAT per weekly session for non-members.
A discount of 25% will be given to non-members booking onto all 4 sessions.
Plus, join our free Young Members Group Wine Tasting Event when you register!
If you are already a member of INSOL Europe aged 45 or below, we welcome you to join our virtual wine tasting session on Thursday 29 October from 17:00–18:00 CET. Simply select this optional extra on the registration page and we’ll post 6 small bottles of carefully selected wines straight to your door, log into the session and you'll be guided through the tasting process. The perfect way to unwind from the comfort of your home whilst networking online with like-minded professionals. Please note, spaces are limited on a first come first served basis!
Further information
If you have any queries regarding the online conference or wine tasting event, please contact Event Manager, Harriet Taylor.
Academic Forum Conference 2020: Just one day to go! |
This year the Academic Forum's Annual Conference will be held online with two highly relevant papers by Professors Horst Eidenmüller and Kristin Van Zwieten, both of University of Oxford, and by Lydia Tsioli of King's College London.
A fee of €50+VAT will be charged for non-member participants who are not full-time academics.
Further information:
If you have any queries, please contact Event Manager, Harriet Taylor.
EBRD Assesement and Survey - We need your views! |
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched an insolvency assessment on formal business reorganisation procedures. The survey is being carried out in partnership with INSOL Europe and other international organisations working in the field of insolvency law reform, such as UNCITRAL, the International Law Development Organisation, INSOL International and the European Commission.
A formal event, at which Piya Mukherjee, INSOL Europe President, spoke, was held on 8 September to launch the survey. The purpose of the survey, writes Catherine Bridge Zoller, Senior Counsel at the EBRD, is to help highlight areas where a country’s legal or institutional framework needs improvement.
In the current economic environment, the EBRD assessment is of utmost importance, as businesses across Europe and near countries have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. There is general agreement that the crisis is particularly hard on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), because of their small operating margins and lack of reserves to withstand the downturn in business activity without government support.
The crisis affects all economies, whether emerging, developing or developed, but is especially challenging for emerging economies with limited resources and without a developed legal infrastructure that supports business.
The survey is available in English, French and Russian and will be open for public consultation until 31 October 2020.
An update on the EBRD Assesement by Catherine Bridge Zoller can be found here.
EECC Conference 2020 going online! |
On 3 and 10 December 2020 we will be holding our first Eastern European Countries' Committee online conference 'Tectonic Changes in Eastern European Insolvency', bringing together fresh insight and exceptional speakers.
As the evolving impacts of COVID-19 ripple through our communities, we are all facing unforeseen challenges. With a renewed spotlight on insolvency, gaining fresh insight and real life examples will help us, as insolvency professionals, stay on top of our game, enhance business resiliency, ensure business continuity and most importantly, stay connected. Watch, listen, and ask questions from the convenience of your home or office, no travel needed. Add the dates to your calendar and join us!
Further information:
If you have any queries, please contact Event Manager, Harriet Taylor.
Special Offers for Members of INSOL Europe |
We have arranged many special offers for our members, including exclusive discounts on publications and events as well as special rates for advertising in Eurofenix, our quarterly journal. These are often time limited and updated regularly on the Members Offers section of the website.
Offers are changed regularly and currently include:
- Free online conferences for all members
- 20% discount off selected titles from Oxford University Press
- 10% discount off an individual subscription to Global Restructuring Review
- A discounted 'Pro' profile on SpeakerHub
INSIDE Story, Estonia: Transposing the Directive - Expert Views |
The Estonian Ministry of Justice commissioned a group of insolvency experts to provide an expert opinion about the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019. The expert group consisted of insolvency specialists from different occupations: attorneys-at-law, insolvency trustees, judges, academics and representatives of banking.

This article by Anto Kasak (Partner, Kasak and Lepikson Law Firm; Lecturer, Tartu University, Estonia) and his team summarises the aspects of the study, which might be interesting for other European countries facing similar issues in the transposition process. Read the full story and other articles here.
If you would like the opportunity to have your Inside Story published in a future edition, please email Communications Manager, Paul Newson for details.
COVID Coffee Breaks - Continuing our series in the Autumn |
Our 'COVID Coffee Breaks' have resumed for the Autumn with further updates from our Country Coordinators, and also from our Working Groups, with news about their activities in the coming months.
The latest videos feature Denmark & Norway, Croatia & Slovenia, Ukraine & Russia, and the Young Members Group.
Watch the videos here and look out for further episodes coming soon.

The COVID Coffee Breaks are free for all to view, so please do share the coming invitations with your colleagues and friends. Take a break, have a coffee and enjoy the COVID Coffee Break!
The COVID Coffee Breaks are brought to you in partnership with LexisNexis with whom INSOL Europe is honoured to collaborate on the COVID-19 tracker of insolvency reforms globally.
New Technical Publication Published - Free for members |
Harmonisation of Insolvency and Restructuring Laws
in the EU
We are pleased to announce that papers from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-26 September 2019, have now been published. The book is published online and is available as a free download for members.
Visit our website to download your copy.
Please note, you must log-in to the INSOL Europe website with your membership details to access the download.

Zagreb Joint Conference: Applicable law debated |
Over two days (18-19 September) in Zagreb, the capital of the EU’s latest member state, 75 delegates attending in person and online were welcomed to a high-level discussion of issues and themes in relation to applicable law in the context of cross-border insolvency proceedings.
The conference stemmed from a collaboration between the European Commission DG Justice and Consumers, the Croatian Presidency of the EU, the Ministry of Justice and Administration of Croatia, the University of Zagreb and INSOL Europe.

The conference team in Zagreb
The purpose of the conference was to elicit contributions and a sense of any consensus on the desirability of embarking on a project in this area prior to an UNCITRAL colloquium on the same theme scheduled for Vienna this December.
Across the conference’s seven sessions, experts from around the world gave their views on particular issues connected to this offshoot of the private international law sphere. From rules on rights in rem, set-off, contracts of employment and current contracts, to jurisdiction and determination of the appropriate law for avoidance actions, issues canvassed began with substantive rules.
Moving on to procedure and policy, the debate covered how choice of law determines the extent of protection for local interests and the scope of interaction between proceedings and arbitral instances, pending lawsuits and enforcement processes elsewhere. Recognition of foreign insolvency-related judgments and insolvency representatives also featured, as did the procedural content of the lex fori in the field of the claims process. Mention of Brexit and its inevitable impact on cross-border cases was also made in passing.
The conference was rounded off with a panel canvassing the views of international organisations involved in the reform arena and those representing insolvency practice. The World Bank, UNCITRAL and Hague Conference gave updates on work in the general insolvency law arena as well as specific experience of applicable law issues. With views from practice provided by INSOL International and INSOL Europe, the overall sense was that developments in this area would be welcomed, if grounded on strong policy reasons and firm consensus for a future rule-building exercise.
Paul Omar, INSOL Europe Technical Research Coordinator
Date for your diary: New dates for Joint Fraud Conference |

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a joint conference with R3 and the Fraud Advisory Panel on 2 & 3 February 2021 (new dates for this online event).
This online conference will focus on topics related to global financial crime, tackling rogue companies, UK compensation orders, asset tracing, cryptocurrency fraud, and digital forensics, with speakers from international police agencies, insolvency and fraud specialists, academics and many more.
For updates on this event, please visit our website.
We welcome feedback, news and story ideas for future newsletters.
Please send your suggestions to Paul Newson, Communications Manager,
INSOL Europe, PO Box 7149, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 6WD. Tel: +44 115 8780584 | |
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Disclaimer: This newsletter is sent to members of INSOL Europe. No responsibility legal or otherwise is accepted by INSOL Europe for any errors, omissions or otherwise. The opinions expressed in the articles that appear are not necessarily shared by any representative of INSOL Europe. |