Coffee Breaks: Connecting Minds

Our Coffee Breaks: Connecting Minds series continues with our popular video conversation format established in 2020. This year, the INSOL Europe Country Coordinators will share their experiences with representatives from their local associations and/or other stakeholders, highlighting the practical consequences of the implementation of the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency in the concerned jurisdictions, the opinions on the EU proposal for a directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law and other key issues in their jurisdiction. If you would like to be informed of future Coffee Breaks, please use the form on our Contact Us page.

Coffee Breaks: Connecting Minds are brought to you in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and its Legal Transition Programme (LTP). The LTP is the EBRD’s initiative to contribute to the improvement of the investment climate in the Bank’s countries of operations by helping create an investor-friendly, transparent and predictable legal environment. This objective is implemented by the Legal Transition Team, a dedicated team of specialised lawyers working across the 38 economies where the EBRD invests.

In partnership with: 
2023: Belgium

June 2023, featuring:
2022: Portugal

April 2022, featuring:
Coffee Breaks: Connect Minds 2021
12 February 2021, featuring:
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COVID Coffee Breaks 2020

Our COVID Coffee Breaks are short videos in which two or three INSOL Europe Country Coordinators share their personal experiences of the COVID-19 crisis in their countries and give highlights of reforms and challenges of national insolvency framework to address the current crisis. If you would like to be informed of future COVID Coffee Breaks, please use the form on our Contact Us page.

The COVID Coffee Breaks are brought to you in partnership with LexisNexis with whom INSOL Europe is honoured to collaborate on the COVID-19 tracker of insolvency reforms globally.

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In partnership with: 
Season 2 Highlights: August-November 2020
Welcome to our second INSOL Europe COVID Coffee Break highlights video showing all the Country Coordinators (and more) who have featured in the latest 6 episodes!

We will be returning in 2021 with further updates from our Country Coordinators, and also from our Working Groups, with news about their activities in the coming months.

YMG Questionnaire or The young crowds' view on Corona - Click here or scan the QR code to take part!
Season 1 Highlights: May-July 2020
Welcome to our INSOL Europe COVID Coffee Break highlights reel showcasing all the Country Coordinators (and more) who have featured in the last 10 episodes!

We will be returning in August with further updates from our Country Coordinators, and also from our Working Groups, with news about their activities in the coming months.
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