Dear Members
Looking out of the window of my home office and enjoying some later summer sun, I am pleased to present to you this September newsletter with information on INSOL Europe’s recent and upcoming activities.
I hope all of you had wonderful summer holidays, not hindered too much by the various COVID-19 related measures still applicable in many countries. However, finally and taking into account the ever increasing numbers of people which now have been vaccinated, better times indeed seem to be near now.
Although whatever the "new normal" will become may still be unclear, INSOL Europe is still very much on track to have its Annual Congress in Dublin from 3-6 March 2022 as a "real time" event. All preparations are going well, Ireland is about to lift its COVID-19 related restrictions shortly and the registration brochure will go out later this month. I therefore encourage you all and especially our Young Members to register and meet in Dublin.
Speaking of young members, on 2 September I had the great pleasure to participate as President in the Young Members Speed Networking online event and to meet both young members and new potential young member of various nationalities. Of the professionals which have joined INSOL Europe during this year, more than half were young members, living proof therefore of the true interest we have been able to create with young professionals to join us. Many thanks to Clarissa Nitsch, Robert Peldán and Harriet Taylor for making this a fantastic and fun event. The online video of the event now also can be accessed on the INSOL Europe’s website (see below). I am sure the event will be repeated in future.
Registration for our Autumn Online Conference on 7 and 21 October titled "Back to the Future" is open and you can register at the link below. We have an exciting programme waiting for you, so please register as soon as possible.
Please also check out our brand new latest video in our Coffee Break Video Series, presenting an excellent overview of developments in the Czech Republic.
In the meantime, new council elections have taken place and I welcome Bart de Moor (Belgium) and Damien Murran (Ireland) as our new representatives from 7 October coming, following INSOL Europe's OGM.
During the Presidency and following the resignation of our previous COO a lot of time and effort has been spent on restructuring the secretariat and staff of INSOL Europe to bring about a long term solution. I am glad to be able to inform you that over the summer months this restructuring has been completed successfully with the help and commitment of all staff members.
At this time it is also befitting to pay tribute to one our longest staff members, Malcolm Cork, who retired from his activities for INSOL Europe at the end of August. For those of you who have been regular attendees at our Annual Congress and EECC conferences over the years, you will no doubt have seen Malcolm steering the event team as a guiding light towards making each one a huge success. However, apart from that, Malcolm has also played a huge role in the lead up to each of these occasions, a role he began for INSOL Europe back in 2006 for our Bucharest Annual Congress. A retired insolvency practitioner himself, his continued interest in the profession together with his event planning skills made him an invaluable member of our team for which his vast experience and dedication will certainly be missed. Malcolm (Corky to his friends), hands over the baton to Hannah Denney and Harriet Taylor who, along with the Executive and Council of INSOL Europe, look forward to seeing you all at our future events.
You will find more details on all other INSOL Europe's initiatives in this newsletter. A big thank you to all those who contributed to all INSOL Europe activities during my Presidency and to this newsletter. Please check out INSOL Europe’s website to stay up to date with our initiatives.
Finally, given that I will step down as President of INSOL Europe on 7 October coming and this therefore is my last President's Column, I use this opportunity to thank my Executive colleagues Frank Tschentscher and Barry Cahir, the entire staff and secretariat of INSOL Europe and the Council for their great help in running this "digital presidency" during the last year. It has been my pleasure and honor to be your President in these COVID-19 ridden times.
I very much look forward to meeting many of you in Dublin. Until then, do remain careful and please stay safe and healthy, so indeed we can shake hands again in Dublin!
Marcel Groenewegen
President INSOL Europe