2014 events
Contribute to our Next Event
We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.

Contact Caroline Taylor for more information.
With thanks to our Sponsors
Main Sponsor:
dnp Depping - www.dnp.de
Conference Sponsors:
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
HERMANN RWS - www.hermann-law.com
DENTONS - www.dentons.com
Žižlavský & Partneři - www.zizlavsky.cz
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
Conference Lead & Technical Chairs:
Carlos Mack (Studio Legale Trabucchi, Padova & Munich) - www.studiotrabucchi.it
Giese & Partner - www.giese.cz
Wynriver - www.wynriver.com
With thanks to our Conference Supporters:
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) - www.aija.org
Association of Insolvency Administrators- www.asis.cz/en
Czech Bar Association - www.cak.cz/en
The Netherlands Association for Comparative and International Insolvency Law (NACIIL) and the Academic Forum of INSOL Europe are organising a joint conference.
Theme: Teaching and Research in Comparative and International Insolvency Law. Some twenty speakers will share experiences with training students, judges or practitioners in other legal cultures and in comparing legal systems. During a forum and workshops cross-border judicial cooperation will be discussed, as well as professional guidance for insolvency administrators and contrasting interests when saving banks or companies in financial distress. Non-Dutch speakers will be professors Paulus (Berlin), Lynch Fannon (Cork), Van Dam (London), Vanmeenen (Antwerpen), Omar (Nottingham) and Madaus (Regensburg) and judges Vallender (Cologne), Richards (London) and Verougstreate (Brussels). On Monday 14 April at 16.00 prof. Bob Wessels will hold his valedictory in the Academy Building.
Practical information
Time: Monday 14 April 2014, 13.00-17.30 and Tuesday 15 April 2014, 09.00-16.00.
Location: Old Observatory Building (‘Sterrewacht’), Sterrenwachtlaan 11, 2311 GW, Leiden. Leiden is only some 20 minutes away by taxi from Schiphol Airport.
Language: English
Fee: NACIIL members, INSOL Europe’s Academic Forum members €150; INSOL Europe members €225; non-members €275. The fee includes the Conference Dinner on Monday evening, lunch on Tuesday and drinks.
Free entrance: PhD-researchers interested in the subject may apply for free entrance. The organisers can allow two free entrances for those researchers that can best justify their request. Applicants for free entrance must send their request to the NACIIL secretariat.
Registration: For administrative reasons registration is required. Registration prior to 28 March 2014 is via the NACIIL secretariat at: a.m.verweij@law.leidenuniv.nl or via the activities registration form on the NACIIL website.
Hotel suggestions: Golden Tulip Leiden Centre or Ibis Leiden Centre.
Please click here for a pdf copy of this announcement.
Contact Caroline Taylor for more information.
With thanks to our Academic Forum Sponsor:
Edwin Coe - www.edwincoe.com
Istanbul Slides
With thanks to our Academic Forum Sponsor: Edwin Coe - www.edwincoe.com

With thanks to our Sponsors:
Main Sponsor:
DENTONS - www.dentons.com
Congress General Sponsor:
Proskauer - www.proskauer.com
PLUTA Rechtsanwalts GmbH - www.pluta.net
RESOR - www.resor.nl
HERMANN RWS - www.hermann-law.com
Event Sponsors:
NautaDutilh - www.nautadutilh.com
SGH Martineau LLP - www.sghmartineau.com
Hoche Société d'Avocats - www.hocheavocats.com
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
McStay Luby - www.mcstayluby.ie
hww wienberg wilhelm - www.hww.eu
anchor Rechtsanwälte - www.anchor.eu
CITR GROUP - www.citr-group.ro
Kellerhals - www.kellerhals.ch
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
OPF Partners - www.opf-partners.com
RSM Germany - www.rsmgermany.de
Wistrand - www.wistrand.se
Centre for Professional Legal Education - www.cpo.nl/english
Grant Thornton - www.grant-thornton.co.uk