Eastern European Countries' Committee Introduction and members

The East European Countries' Committee (EECC), formerly ACC, was created in 2004 at the end of the Annual Conference, held in Prague that year.

The EECC is hosted by two co-chairs, one from Eastern Europe and one from Western Europe, in order to represent all aspects of activities in both areas and in order to create a balanced event, suitable for all our members.

Thanks to the existence of the EECC, INSOL Europe counts members from Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine. Below is a list of all the EECC events we have held since 2005.
2005: Budapest, Hungary
2006: Warsaw, Poland
2007: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
2008: St Petersburg, Russia
2009: Dubrovnik, Croatia
2010: Timisoara, Romania
2011: Tallinn, Estonia
2012: Poznan, Poland
2013: Bratislava, Slovakia
2014: Prague, Czech Republic
2015: Vilnius, Lithuania
2016: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2017: Budapest, Hungary
2018: Riga, Latvia
2019: Ljubljana, Slovenia
2020 & 2021: Online
2023: Vilnius, Lithuania
2024: Krakow, Poland
To contact the EECC, please email one of the Co-Chairs as indicated below.
Stela Ivanova (Bulgaria)

Emmanuelle Inacio: emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org

WG - Eastern European Countries' Committee
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