Current member offers

INSOL Europe works with kindred associations and others to produce co-labelled events and agreements throughout Europe. These agreements result in special offers to INSOL Europe members. Here is a list of the current offers available. 
Discounted Rate for ERA conference: Corporate Rescue and Insolvency in the Digital Age

INSOL Europe members can benefit from a 25% discount off the registration fee using the code 25Insol124D63.
For more information visit our Events website or the ERA website.

20% discount on selected titles from Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press are pleased to offer a 20% discount on finance and insolvency titles for INSOL Europe members. Our collection of law books features first-class authors, analysis and opinion, and includes specialist titles that provide the most detailed analysis available.

To claim your 20% discount enter the promotional code ALFLY5F at checkout when ordering from

Please note this offer is only available to individual (non-trade) customers when ordering direct from the Oxford University Press website. This offer is exclusive and cannot be redeemed in conjunction with any other promotional discounts.

Global Restructuring Review (GRR) is an information service providing cross-border insolvency and restructuring news, features and events.

GRR provides concise, high quality information covering only the most important cross-border insolvency and restructuring cases. We will keep you on top of the international dimension and give you a clear path to all the developments that matter.
Information you can trust
  • Cross-border court rulings
  • New and proposed legislation and soft law
  • Global community news
  • Marketplace rankings
  • Live event reporting
  • Analysis of hard-law cases
  • Profiles and interviews
Online. Print. Mobile. Live.

Subscribe now: As an INSOL Europe member, you’ll receive a 10% discount on an Individual subscription.
Find out more here:

SpeakerHub - Europe’s fastest growing FREE platform for public speakers, trainers and moderators has just been launched. SpeakerHub offers the largest library of public speakers, trainers and moderators who have made themselves available to speak at public events (conferences, universities, seminars etc) to promote their expertise, ideas or advocate positions. It is NOT a speakers' bureau or an agency but it is a free platform to connect event organisers and speakers from all sectors and all levels.

Speakers can create rich profiles by using a variety of features available. If interested, you can create your basic speaker profile here.

For a limited time only, you can upgrade to the 'Pro' package for FREE for one year, using this link.

35% discount on selected titles from Edward Elgar Publishing

Edward Elgar Publishing is a leading international academic and professional publisher with a strong focus on the social sciences and legal fields. They publish 350 titles annually and have successfully created a prestigious list of over 5,500 titles. For a limited time INSOL Europe has negotiated a 35% discount on the following titles from their Corporate & Insolvency Law range:

To receive the discount, just add the code INSL35 in the discount box at checkout
on the 
Elgar website or email quoting the code.
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Preventive Restructuring in Ukraine: Lessons learned from EU Member States

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