2024 events

Contribute to our Next Event
We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.

INSOL Europe Academic Conference 2024: Sorrento, Italy

INSOL Europe Academic Conference 2024: Sorrento, Italy

02-10-2024 to 03-10-2024

More information to follow when available.

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2024: Sorrento, Italy

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2024: Sorrento, Italy

03-10-2024 to 06-10-2024

Please visit the main Sorrento page, Documents section, for the final programme and conference slides.
360 Degrees Around Distress

360 Degrees Around Distress

24-10-2024 to 25-10-2024
This is the second edition of the conference around this topic organized by the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners in Cluj, Romania.

INSOL Europe President, Alice van der Schee, will be the keynote speaker on Friday 25 October at 8:30 CET.

The purpose is to bring together entrepreneurs, insolvency practitioners, lawyers, judges, bank representatives, as well as communications experts, to raise awareness on the solutions that companies have to navigate financial difficulties.

Find out more about the conference here, where you can register online and also download the programme.

The conference will be broadcast by media Partners: universuljuridic.ro and juridice.ro

Partners: The National Institute for Training the Insolvency Practitioners, National Institute of Magistracy, Court of Appeal Cluj, CITR, INSOL Europe
2024 International Insolvency and Restructuring Symposium

2024 International Insolvency and Restructuring Symposium

27-10-2024 to 29-10-2024

ABI and INSOL Europe are pleased to bring you the 2024 International Insolvency and Restructuring Symposium, being held at The Biltmore Mayfair in the prestigious Mayfair district of London. Experience two full days of stellar programming on worldwide insolvency developments, all in one of the most influential cities in the world.

When not in session, be sure to make time to take in this bustling metropolis from the London Eye (londoneye.com), explore the historic streets of Westminster, enjoy top shopping destinations on Oxford Street and New Bond Street (within walking distance from the hotel), experience the city’s endless theatre and art options, and so much more.

INSOL Europe is providing two 1-hour panels for this conference:
  • The European Commission’s proposal for a directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law from the perspective of the EU, UK & US - Panel leader: Barry Cahir, Beauchamps, Ireland; Immediate past-president of INSOL Europe
  • The Geopolitical impact on restructuring market - Panel leader: Frank Tschentscher, Deloitte, Germany; past-president of INSOL Europe
Panellists for both sessions will be from the US, UK and EU. 
Visit the event website for further information and to register your place.

We are happy to offer young professionals/associates a discounted rate of $300 to attend the conference. This rate is only available for new registrations. Please contact Charlotte Ringle (cringle@abi.org) to apply for the special rate.

XXXI Convegno Nazionale di Studi - Alba


The Alba Conference, at its thirty-first year, is attended by academics, practitioners, judges and politicians, attentive to the evolution of the discipline of crisis law and corporate restructuring. 

As is typical of this conference, the introductory panel will feature Professor Marcello Messori of Luiss University and Gregorio De Felice, Head of Research and Chief Economist of Intesa Sanpaolo, the biggest bank in Italy. They will provide an outlook on the current economic framework in Italy and Europe.

This year the conference takes place this year immediately after publication of an Italian Government decree which substantially amends to the 2019 Crisis and Insolvency Code, affecting as many as 150 articles. Speakers will discuss about the main innovations introduced with this decree, and, specifically, to discuss about changes to the Crisis Negotiated Settlement (composizione negoziata della crisi). As recently described by Luciano Panzani at INSOL Europe Annual Conference in Sorrento, Crisis Negotiated Settlement is an out of court mechanism allowing entrepreneurs to ask the Chamber of Commerce for the appointment of an expert who will coordinate negotiations with creditors in view of an amicable agreement or agreed access to a restructuring procedure. On this topic professor Oreste Cagnasso of the Torino University will coordinate Sandro Pettinato, vice general secretary of Unioncamere, who leads the survey on the functioning of the Crisis Negotiated Settlement, and Carlo Pavesio, who deals with the appointment of experts in Torino. The panel will be completed by Paolo Rinaldi, managing director of Alix Partners, who has a great experience in the expert’s role. 

Francesco Paolo Sisto, current Italian Deputy Minister of Justice, will take part to the conference and is expected to provide news on the reform of the criminal discipline of bankruptcy crimes, which is currently being reviewed by the Ministry. 

Sisto will be interviewed by Elbano de Nuccio, president of the National Council of Chartered Accountants.  

A significant part of the morning will be dedicated to the analysis of some recent restructuring cases, inclusive of the Miroglio-Trussardi group. 

Giorgio Corno, immediate past president of INSOL Europe will coordinate a round table on cross-border parallel insolvency and restructuring proceedings,  which will be attended by Prof. Michal Veder of the Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherland) and Kathlene Burke of Maples & Calder (Ireland) LLP, co-chair of the IWIRC European Network and chair of the Ceril Delegation in the Uncitral WGV.

Ilaria Pagni, full professor at University of Florence and head of the Technical Commission at the Ministry of Justice which drafted the text amending the crisis code, will coordinate a round table conclusive of the conference with professors Stefania Pacchi of Siena and Madrid Universities, Giacomo D’Attorre of Molise University, and judge Sergio Rossetti, of the Milan First Instance Court. Milan Court deals normally with the most important restructuring cases. 

The Conference is co-headed by INSOL Europe as well as the Italian National Council of Chartered Accountants. 

Attendance of the conference may be either in person or via live streaming. Pre-registration is required on the website: www.associazionealbesestudidirittocommerciale.it.

The conference will be broadcast on the same web site.
Please download the conference brochure here.