National texts dealing with the application of the EIR 2015/848

Last update: 13 June 2019




Act 64/2017 of 01.07.2017 amending the Czech Insolvency Act 182/2006



Part XXI of The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 (2016 No. 1024):

The Insolvency (England and Wales) and Insolvency (Scotland) (Miscellaneous and Consequential Amendments) Rules 2017 (2017 No. 1115):




Amendment (364/2017) of the Bankruptcy Act (120/2004)

Amendment (365/2017) of the Restructuring of enterprises Act (47/1993)

Amendment (366/2017) of the Act on the debt Adjustment of a private person (57/1993)

Amendment (367/2017) of the Act on bankruptcy and restructuring register (137/2004) (in force 26 June 2018)

New law of the debt adjustment register (368/2017) (in force 26 June 2018)


Texts available at:



Commercial Code, Title IX of Book VI on enterprises in difficulty, and in particular Title IX on specific provisions applicable to the EIR 2015 available at:


Legislative part:


Regulatory part:;jsessionid=C514DCADD7EE4A8873AB16A8F15E1EA4.tplgfr33s_2?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000037343506&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000005634379&dateTexte=20190516 


With the amendments made by:

Ordinance n°2017-1519 of 2nd November 2017 (Official text) (Corrigendum)

Decree n°2018-452 of 5th June 2018 :




Act CXXVI of 2017 on amendments to the Insolvency Act (2017. évi CXXVI. törvény a csődeljárásról és a felszámolási eljárásról szóló 1991. évi XLIX. törvény jogharmonizációs célú módosításáról) amending the Hungarian Insolvency Act (HIA).

Most of its provisions can be found under Sections 6/B-6/Q of the HIA (unofficial English translation here enclosed).

For example:

  • § 3(1)(b), HIA (qualification as a debtor)
  • § 6/P (6), HIA (choice of court agreement)






Latvian Insolvency Law 


Latvian Civil Procedure Law 


Proposal for amendments to the Latvian Insolvency Law 


Proposal for amendments to the Latvian Civil Procedure Law 




Law on Restructuring of the Republic of Lithuania  (Lietuvos Respublikos įmonių restruktūrizavimo įstatymas)


Law on Company Bankruptcy of the Republic of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos įmonių bankroto įstatymas)


Law on Natural Person Bankruptcy of the Republic of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos fizinių asmenų bankroto įstatymas)





Bankruptcy law:

With the latest amendments (first with the dates when the change came into force, second with the reference to the official Law Journal where the change was published and last with the article of law that was changed):


i.            7 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2019.326 art. 4

ii.           4 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2019.60 art. 17

iii.          11 lutego (February) zm. Dz.U.2019.55 art. 19


i.            25 listopada (November) zm. Dz.U.2018.1629 art. 92

ii.           11 września (September) zm. Dz.U.2018.1544 art. 23

iii.          30 kwietnia (April) zm. Dz.U.2017.2491 art. 7

iv.          21 kwietnia (April) zm. Dz.U.2018.685 art. 7

v.           15 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2018.398 art. 21


Restructuring law:

With the latest amendments (first with the dates when the change came into force, second with the reference to the official Law Journal where the change was published and last with the article of law that was changed):


i.            7 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2019.326 art. 9

ii.           4 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2019.60 art. 37

iii.          11 lutego (February) zm. Dz.U.2019.55 art. 24

iv.          8 lutego (Febryary) ogłoszenie tekstu jednolitego Dz.U.2019.243 t.j. – (announcement of a uniform text)


i.            25 listopada (November) zm. Dz.U.2018.1629 art. 119

ii.           11 września (September) zm.  Dz.U.2018.1544 art. 49

iii.          26 czerwca (June) częściowe wejście w życie w zakresie: art. 5 (partial entry into force in the field of: art. 5)

iv.          15 marca (March) zm. Dz.U.2018.398 art. 29

v.           2 lutego (February) zm. Dz.U.2018.149 art. 1

vi.          1 lutego (February) zm. Dz.U.2018.149 art. 1



Portuguese Insolvency Act


For example: 

  • Article 7(4) of the Insolvency Act (Portuguese courts as competent courts)
  • Article 37(4) of the Insolvency Act (duty to inform foreign creditors)
  • Article 38(9) and (11) of the Insolvency Act (publication and registration)
  • Article 128(4) of the Insolvency Act (lodging of claims)
  • Article 129(4) of the Insolvency Act (duty to inform foreign creditors)
  • Articles 275 to 296 of the Insolvency Act (general conflict rules).





Law no 85/2014 regarding the preventive insolvency and insolvency procedures, and in particular Articles 273-336 (the provisions on cross - border insolvency) available here.





Sec. 172 – Sec. 175 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (full legal regulation on cross-border insolvency proceedings) available at:

Act No. 7/2005 Coll. (current wording):

 As amended by Act. No. 264/2017 Coll. (part IX, representing amendment of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Act):



Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act – “Slovenian Insolvency Act”.


For example: 

  • Articles 51 and 450 of the Slovenian Insolvency Act (Slovenian district courts as competent courts)
  • Article 458 of the Slovenian Insolvency Act (duty to inform foreign creditors)
  • Article 122 and 134 of the Slovenian Insolvency Act (publication and registration)
  • Articles 57-60 and 457 of the Slovenian Insolvency Act (lodging of claims)




Spanish Insolvency Act 22/2003, of July 9th

English translation of the Spanish Insolvency Act provided by the Spanish Ministry of Justice available at:



Wet tot uitvoering van de Verordening (EU) 2015/848 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 20 mei 2015 betreffende insolventieprocedures (PbEU 2015, L 141) (Uitvoeringswet EU-insolventieverordening) (23 December 2017)