Eastern European Countries' Committee Mission Statement

The objectives of the EECC are to:  
  • keep contact with the national professional associations in Eastern Europe, to gain information on local insolvency law progress, on restructuring of ailing companies, on the way the local professionals are organised and on their status.  All information gathered and the insolvency laws are to be published on this website.
  • organise an annual conference in the Eastern countries. These conferences are to be be in the native languages as well as English, and employ simultaneous translation, in order to overcome language obstacles.
  • prepare interesting content for the conferences and to have highly acknowledged local and foreign personalities as speakers.
  • recruit as many new local members as possible, by creating a special subscription rate in view of these countries having a representative in the Association's Council (if the country has at least 30 paying members).
  • have representatives of the Eastern countries on the Editorial Board of Eurofenix, and to encourage the creation of Glossaries of insolvency terms in the native language and in English.
  • invite the members from the Eastern countries to contribute EIR-case law for the regular case law alerts, used at that time.
WG - Eastern European Countries' Committee
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