2021 events

Contribute to our Next Event
We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.

INSOL Europe: Academic Conference 2021

INSOL Europe: Academic Conference 2021

20 January 2021 - 16:00 to 17:40 (CET) - Online Event - Zoom
Registration opening soon! 

Registration will be free for membersIf you are a non-member, please contact our Membership Manager, Hannah Denney.

The technical programme is available here.

We are pleased to announce the following confirmed speakers for this event:

Prof. Antonio Leandro will be speaking on:
“Harmonizing Insolvency Regimes in the Prism of European Investment Law”

Directive (EU) 2019/1023 on restructuring and insolvency has been adopted to harmonize the national frameworks of the Member States so as to make national means facing business crises more efficient throughout the EU territory. One may wonder if the Directive, against the backdrop of the ongoing EU actions for a Capital Markets Union, shifted the paradigm of the virtuous forum-law competitiveness – which means for Member States to be competitive one against another in attracting business and investments from abroad (even from third countries) – into a wider rationale that ends up protecting also general interests of EU investment law.

Antonio Leandro is Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of Economics, Management and Business Law of the University of Bari (Italy) with National Scientific Qualification as a Full Professor. He mainly focuses its professional activity on private international law, cross-border insolvency, international arbitration, and international and European investment law. His bibliography includes three books, four co-editions, and some more 170 papers among notes, commentaries, articles and book chapters. He sits in the editorial boards of various journals and is co-director of a scientific series. He has been member of the EC Group of experts on the attachment of bank accounts. He is: conferee of the CERIL (Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law); member of the International Insolvency Institute; coordinator of the Study Group on Cross-border Insolvency and National Legal Orders for the Italian branch of the International Law Association. He served as trainer for the European Judicial Training Network. He cooperated with the Committee appointed by the Italian Ministry of Justice with the task to revise the Italian insolvency law.

Prof. Gerard McCormack will be speaking on:
“Restructuring and Stays – Moving Forward in Europe?”

The Covid crisis has highlighted the need for stays/moratoria on creditor actions against financially troubled debtors.  The European Restructuring Directive is of fundamental importance in this regard.  But the stay envisaged by the Directive is debtor specific and perhaps shorter in duration than the more general stay occasioned by the Covid crisis.  Nevertheless, the same balancing of debtor and creditor interests and structuring an appropriate stay comes into play in both scenarios.

Gerard (Gerry) McCormack is a Professor of International Business Law at the University of Leeds in the UK, a Visiting Professor at the University of Vaasa in Finland and INSOL International Scholar for 2020/2021. He has also led and worked on a number of international and comparative research projects. He has researched and published extensively on insolvency and secured credit law and particularly the international and comparative dimensions of the subject.
The Academic Forum is sponsored by Edwin Coe LLP.
Joint Virtual Fraud Conference

Joint Virtual Fraud Conference

02-02-2021 to 03-02-2021

The Fraud Advisory Panel, R3 and INSOL Europe will be holding a joint virtual conference on 2 and 3 February 2021.

This virtual conference will focus on topics related to global financial crime, tackling rogue companies, UK compensation orders, asset tracing, cryptocurrency fraud, and digital forensics, with speakers from international police agencies, insolvency and fraud specialists, academics and many more.

The full programme has now been added to the event website at www.thefraudconference.com

Discounts for members:
INSOL Europe members should request a special discount code from Hannah Denney.
We are also offering a free fourth place for any firm registering three places. Please contact Hannah Denney for details.
INSOL Europe: Spring Online Conference 2021

INSOL Europe: Spring Online Conference 2021

04-03-2021 to 18-03-2021

Registration now open - download the full programme here!

Online Sessions: 4 & 18 March 2021
Session Time: 12:25 - 14:05 CET

We are pleased to announce that our new Spring Online Conference is now being prepared for March 2021. Conference Co-Chairs Clarissa Nitsch (Co-Chair of the Young Members Group / Binder Groesswang Attorneys at Law, Austria) and John Briggs (South Square, UK) have prepared a fascinating programme for INSOL Europe which is not to be missed! 

There will be two sessions (4 & 18 March) held on Zoom, each lasting 1.5 hours, both facilitated by Chris Laughton (Mercer & Hole, UK). Each session will feature a Keynote speaker and two live panels with a hand-picked selection of international experts speaking on a range of highly relevant and important topics including:

  • EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency (update on transposition)
  • Aviation in crisis: recent cases
  • Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement under Brexit: the UK and the EU
  • Experiences on the front line – insolvency practice in the pandemic.

We are very pleased to announce the following Keynote Speakers for this conference:

William Keegan is a British journalist and author. He was Economics Editor of The Observer from 1977 to 2003, and continues to contribute to the paper as a Senior Economics Commentator. In 2009 Keegan received a CBE for services to journalism.
Professor Georg E. KodekWU - Vienna University of Economics and Business; Judge of the Austrian Supreme Court since 2006 and professor for Civil and Commercial Law at the Vienna School of Economics and Business Administration since 2007.

Registration will be €50+VAT for members or €75+VAT for non-members.

Further information
More details will be posted here when available. If you have any queries, please contact Event Manager, Harriet Taylor. In the meantime, keep your diary free for these special events!

Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance will be provided after the conference on application to
Harriet Taylor which participants can use as evidence of training to apply for CPE points.

With thanks to our Sponsors

Main Sponsors



Session Sponsors

South Square - www.southsquare.com

Joint INSOL Europe and INSOL International Online Seminar

Joint INSOL Europe and INSOL International Online Seminar


INSOL International and INSOL Europe will present an online seminar on 15 April 2021 with speakers drawn from across the sector.

The seminar will address global hot-topics, looking at digital assets and insolvency and Covid-19 national temporary legislation. This is a great opportunity to focus on the things that matter most in the global economy right now and hear from thought leaders from across the globe.

The virtual seminar will be held on Zoom over two sessions, the first starting at 9am – 10:30am BST and the second at 6pm – 7:30pm BST.

Registration Fees
INSOL International and INSOL Europe Members: £30.00
Non-Members: £50.00

Further information
If you have any questions, please contact:
Harriet Norman (INSOL International), harriet.norman@insol.org 
or Harriet Taylor (INSOL Europe), harriet@insol-europe.org

We look forward to an exciting event.

With thanks to our Sponsors

Main Sponsors

Download Ogier's 'At a glance guide to Restructuring and Corporate Recovery'


Session Sponsor
bnt attorneys in CEE - www.bnt.eu

If you would like information about the sponorship opportunities for this event, please contact Sponsorship Manager, Hannah Denney for details.

Experiences, evolutions and perspectives in business law in the post-pandemic era

Experiences, evolutions and perspectives in business law in the post-pandemic era

13-05-2021 to 15-05-2021

The International Conference on Business Law on 13-15 May 2021 is organized by the Romanian Institute of Commercial Law, INSOL Europe and the Faculties of Law of Babeș-Bolyai University, Romanian-American University, Nicolae Titulescu University and Titu Maiorescu University. 

The conference aims to bring together leading academic scholars and proffesionals, to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Business Law. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Business Law.
The presentations and discussions of renowned speakers will focus on both technical aspects and "policy" approaches in all areas of business law, to provide current solutions to business law issues.

During the INSOL Europe panel, on 13 May, from 13:30 to 15:00, Prof. Christoph G. Paulus, Prof. Paul J. Omar and Prof. Tomáš Richter, together with the moderator, Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Piperea will discuss the implementation of Directive 2019/1023.
The conference will be broadcasted live on the main page of JURIDICE.ro
For more details visit the conference website.

For more details email INSOL Europe's EECC Co-Chair, Niculina Somlea, or: office@irdc.ro

Conference Report

Read a report of the conference by Niculina Somlea here.