Anti-Fraud Forum Introduction and members

The Anti-Fraud Forum is pleased to announce the generous sponsorship of Grant Thornton UK LLP.

Grant Thornton

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T +44 (0)20 7383 5100 F +44 (0)202 7184 4301
The Anti-Fraud Forum was established in 2012, with the following aims:
  • promote the use of insolvency processes to assist with the tracing and recovery of assets;
  • assess and review possibilities to address fraud and, more generally, (administrator) liability in the framework of insolvency scenarios;
  • to share experiences amongst members of the group; and
  • to provide a forum to educate a wider audience on the threats of fraud. 

There are over 175 members who have expressed an interest in the Anti-Fraud Forum. If you would like to join the forum, or for any other information about our work, please contact one of the Co-Chairs listed below.

Co-Chairs of the Anti-Fraud Forum
Carmel King and Bart Heynickx
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