State Reports - Luxembourg
Corporate purpose vs Corporate interest in Luxembourg Restructuring and InsolvencyAuthors: Sofia POLYKANDRIOTI (Loyens & Loeff, Luxembourg) & Michael SCOTT (Loyens & Loeff, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2024 Summer edition
The new mechanics of restructuring in Luxembourg
Author: Thibault JAUFFRET (Associate, LexField part of Mourant, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2023 Winter edition
The pollution of operating sites challenged by bankruptcy
Author: Christel DUMONT (Dentons Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2023 Summer edition
Luxembourg: Law of 10 July 2019 on professional payment guarantees
Authors: Armel WAISSE and Laurent HENNERESSE (MOLITOR Avocats à la Cour)
Source: Eurofenix, 2020/21 Winter Edition
Luxembourg pledges put to the test of insolvency proceedings: Ten years of case law
Author: Mathilde LATTARD (Dentons, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2016 Summer Edition
Espirito Santo controlled management: a flash in the pan?
Author: Martine GERBER-LEMAIRE (Dentons, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2015 Autumn Edition
Luxembourg: Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Author: Christel DUMONT (Bonn Steichen & Partners, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2015 Spring Edition
Espirito Santo and the revival of the controlled management procedure
Author: Martine GERBER-LEMAIRE (Dentons, Luxembourg)
Source: Eurofenix, 2014 Autumn Edition
Proposal for right to reclaim data from bankrupt cloud computing providers
Author: Vincent WELLENS (NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg, Head of IP/ICT & Commercial, Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles et inscrit au Barreau de Luxembourg)
Update: 9 November 2012