
Switzerland's New International Insolvency Law:

Switzerland’s new (or updated…) international insolvency law
Authors: Prof. Rodrigo Rodriguez (University of Lucerne, Switzerland) and Marjolaine Jakob (CMS, Switzerland)
Source: Eurofenix, 2018/2019 Winter Edition

New Cross-border Insolvency and Restructuring Law in Switzerland
Author: Roger Bischof (Bonnard Lawson, Switzerland)
Source: INSOL International, Technical Series Issue No. 41, November 2018

Reform of the Swiss Insolvency Law:

French Version

German Version

Department of the Federal Justice Website (French, German and Italian versions)


We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, Rechtsanwalt Wissenschaftlicher Berater (Eidgenössisches Justiz- und Polizeidepartement EJPD, Bundesamt für Justiz BJ, Direktionsbereich Privatrecht) for sharing this information.

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