2017 events
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We are already planning our next series of events, including our Annual Congress in Vienna in 2025. If you would like to propose a topic for the conference, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Emmanuelle Inacio on emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org for further information.

EECC Conference 2017 - Budapest, Hungary
The 13th INSOL Europe EECC conference took place on 12 May 2017 in Budapest, truly one of the most beautiful European cities
The focus of the annual EECC conference was on “Winding up of (assetless) companies in Central-Eastern Europe – The reality show”. The conference was an absolute success and gathered the record number of attendees – more than 280 delegates from 16 countries. Especially, the conference was given close attention by the local insolvency practitioners, as about 30 percent of more than the six hundred Hungarian IPs got an opportunity of networking and joining the INSOL Europe family.
The programme covered a number of cutting-edge insolvency-related topics which were presented through lively discussions, excellent presentations and valuable case studies. The delegates had a unique opportunity to learn about the various nations’ peculiarities in the winding-up of assetless companies and crisis management, as well as in tracking, recovering and selling the assets, besides certain aspects of civil and criminal liability of the non-cooperating debtors. Another significant focus was placed on the new European Insolvency Regulation and the harmonisation of insolvency law across Europe, especially concerning the education of IPs.
In its turn, the informal part of the conference gave everyone the possibility for cultural interaction in a friendly environment in the local restaurants.
Photos of the event can be seen here and A full report will be published in the Summer edition of Eurofenix.
One-day conference on Friday 12 May 2017 with an optional dinner on 11 May.
We are delighted to invite you to Budapest, Hungary, for the Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference on: “Winding up of (assetless) companies in Central-Eastern Europe – The reality show”. Budapest will host this event from 11-12 of May 2017.
Cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, Budapest's extensive World Heritage Site includes the banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter, Andrássy Avenue, Heroes' Square and the Millennium Underground Railway, the second-oldest metro line in the world. Budapest has around 80 geothermal springs, the world's largest thermal water cave system, second largest synagogue and third largest Parliament building. The city attracts about 4.4 million tourists a year, making it the 25th most popular city in the world, and the 6th in Europe.
Budapest is considered a financial hub in Central Europe. Where else, then, to hold INSOL Europe's annual Eastern Europe conference to discuss the actual developments in the insolvency landscape and to emphasize the developments in Eastern Europe? More and more insolvency professionals are being confronted with assetless companies. What to do when a company does not seem to have any assets but still has some debts? How do the different jurisdictions deal with such situations?
At the conference, representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice and Economy and the Ministry of National Development will be present. Practical solutions of how to sell assets and how to develop the education of insolvency practitioners are topics that will help improve the capabilities of the profession. Finally, on 22 November 2016, the European Commission published a proposal for a directive. What will that mean for practitioners and governments across Europe? The landscape will change, that's for sure!
All in all, attending our conference presents a valuable experience and an excellent opportunity to meet the profession’s experts and learn about the latest trends in insolvency. The conference will be preceded by an optional networking dinner in downtown Buda or Pest, during which the guests can have a taste of both Hungary’s culinary traditions and folk music and dance.
We hope you will enjoy our conference in Budapest, as well as the town and its surroundings.
Download the Registration Brochure here.
Download the final programme here.
Download the Morning Sessions' presentation slides here.
Download the Keynote Speaker's presentation slides here.
Download the Afternoon Sessions' presentation slides here.
To reserve a room at the conference hotel, complete the attached form and fax it to the hotel:
With thanks to our Sponsors
Main Sponsor
BDO Restructuring GmbH, Germany - www.bdo.de
Sponsor of all Conference Material
CITR - www.citr.ro
Conference Sponsors
CNAJMJ - www.cnajmj.fr
NetBid AG & Angermann Consult GmbH - www.netbid.com & www.angermann.de
Intrum Justitia - www.intrum.hu
Schiebe und Collegen - www.schiebe.de
bnt attorneys-at-law - www.bnt.eu
Troostwijk - www.troostwijkauctions.com
With thanks to our Conference Supporters
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) - www.aija.org
FOE/HAIP - www.foe.hu

R3 & INSOL Europe International Restructuring Conference
The 14th R3 & INSOL Europe International Restructuring Conference between the UK trade body, R3, and INSOL Europe, will take place at the Hilton Tower Bridge in London on 19 May. This conference will debate topical issues from current international and cross-border cases delivered by speakers that are thoroughly involved in cross border litigation. With a varied international background to give a balanced perspective on all issues being debated, it is an event not to be missed.
Technical sessions will be delivered through a combination of presentations, panel discussions and case studies. Delegates will be fully up-to-date on the main developments in this area, equipped for the next phase of cross-border insolvencies and restructurings.
This is a technical conference aimed at all insolvency and restructuring professionals who have an interest in cross-border matters, including insolvency practitioners, lawyers, financial advisers, lenders, distressed asset investors, judges and academics.
Download the conference brochure here.
With prices from only £370 + VAT, book now by visiting the R3 website. If you have any questions, please contact R3 directly at courses@r3.org.uk or call 020 7566 4234.

INSOL International / INSOL Europe Tel Aviv One Day Joint Seminar
Download the updated registration brochure or register online now.
For further information and details of sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Penny Robertson, INSOL International at pennyr@insol.ision.co.uk

INSOL Europe High Level Course on Insolvency Law in Eastern European Jurisdictions : Romania 2017
Classes will be seminar-based and fully interactive. The training will have a theoretical base but fundamentally a practical approach using a case-study methodology for each module. Target participants would be all professionals involved in the insolvency practice of the jurisdiction, with special focus on high level lawyers and IPs, judge and state officials of the relevant insolvency agency.
The first course will be in Romania 2017 and the objectives of the course will be to convey the main elements of international best practice and to deepen the knowledge and interpretation of Romanian insolvency law.
The course will be split into three modules :
- International best practice and comparative examples (2 - 4 February 2017)
- An analysis of the main elements of Romanian insolvency law (29 June - 1 July 2017)
- On line follow-up and case/paper submission (24 & 25 November 2017)
We are grateful to CITR for sponsoring this course.
For further information, contact Emmanuelle Inacio, e mail emmanuelleinacio@insol-europe.org

Joint 6th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress
In cooperation between Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Bar Association) and INSOL Europe
Update: Read a full report of the conference here.
The German Bar Association's (DAV) Section on lnsolvency Law and Restructuring is pleased to announce its 6th European lnsolvency Law and Restructuring Congress (EIRC) in Brussels from 29 to 30 June 2017, jointly organized with INSOL Europe.
This is the sixth conference of its kind and the fourth one hosted by two European organizations for insolvency professionals. The success of the past EIRCs jointly organized with Dutch, French and Spanish partners has encouraged the organizers to share this format each time with another European peer organization.
The EIRC offers again a unique forum for insolvency and restructuring experts to discuss issues concerning national and cross border insolvency and restructuring proceedings, this time in the light of the new draft directive of pre-insolvency restructuring and the Brexit.
We have developed a program including high-profile speakers such as Ms. Vera Jourová (European Commissioner for Justice, Consumer Protection and Gender Equality) and Günther Oettinger (Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Brussels). The speakers and the audience will discuss, in panels and workshops, hot topics such as the impact of the new draft regulation on non-performing loans, on banks and the industry and on the whole profession of restructuring and insolvency professionals as well.
With the new European Insolvency Regulation entering into force in July 2017, another focus lies on the topic of secondary proceedings. Here, a dedicated workshop will show the chances and risks of virtual secondary proceedings under the recast EIR for practitioners. The Friday sessions will focus on recent ECJ decisions and other landmark judgements that every professional doing cross-border work needs to know and will round up with an outlook on how restructuring will be influenced by Brexit.
The EIRC will enable delegates to get in direct touch with and to be heard by European lawmakers and to learn about the latest developments from experts involved in the reforms and landmark cases having significant impact on the future of our profession.
For further information, a program and online registration, visit: http://arge-insolvenzrecht.de/de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/id-6-europaeischer-insolvenzrechtstag-eirc-2017-29
With thanks to the following sponsors of this event:
Philipp & Dr. Kreth GmbH - http://www.philipp-kreth.de/
Dechow Auktionen - www.dechow.de
Baker & McKenzie - www.bakermckenzie.com
Schiebe und Collegen - http://www.schiebe.de
PwC - http://www.pwc.de