Past events

The Fraud Conference 2024

The Fraud Conference 2024


Save the date! Register here!
Returning for a fourth year, the Fraud Conference brings together world class speakers including policy makers, insolvency experts, fraud specialists and academics, offering unique insights on developments in the world of fraud. 

This year the conference will be chaired by Arun Chauhan (Fraud disputes specialist & financial crime compliance lawyer, Tenet & Trustee Director Fraud Advisory Panel). 

A wide range of sessions are being planned to include:
  • AI and Deepfake: In this session our expert speaker will explore the role of AI and how fraud can appear in our daily lives. 
  • The Tools of the future: Our speaker will demonstrate the ways the AI are being put into use stopping fraud and the opportunities this emerging technology present.
  • Is this the near future of fraud? The failure to prevent fraud offences and the online safety bill are two new and evolving pieces of legislation designed to address fraud and cyber-crime. But how will they work? This panel of experts will share their thoughts and experiences around the legislation and the role failure to prevent fraud could play in the future.
  • Plus 4 x breakout sessions covering a range of hot topics.
Register here today and save 15% with the early-bird discount until 1 December.

Please note: 
  • All bookings will need an R3 ID which you can have even if you’re not a member of R3. 
  • Any member who isn't a member of R3 should first click 'register as a non-member' - this is just registering on the R3 portal, not for the actual event itself.
  • Once registered  select the FAP/INSOL member rate.
  • Email: if you have any issues.
UPO Early Warning Europe Seminar

UPO Early Warning Europe Seminar


Dealing with the crisis is often complex for entrepreneurs. Many of them show an attitude of rejection towards this eventuality and struggle to admit their difficulties until they become such that they can no longer be hidden. The fear of failure and bankruptcy can paralise decisions and makes it difficult for Directors to walk towards turnaround paths. This is the main reason why, trying to manage the negative psychological connotation linked to crisis wording, the Italian Insolvency Code has essentially prohibited the use of the word failure itself and has replaced it by the expression judicial liquidation. Failure recalls the idea of a personal in-success. The introduction of early warning introduces the idea that the crisis should not be stigmatized, as it represents a  possible phase in the life of the company.

More in particular, crises are generally preceded by phases of decline which, if promptly diagnosed and addressed, allow the degenerative process to be stopped and trigger a turnaround. Crises often occur not because they are inevitable, but because companies are unable to understand the warning signs, are unable to identify risks and are consequently unable to monitor threats to prevent them and limit their harmful effects.
In Europe different ways to reach the goal to deal with crisis at an early stage have been implemented. Starting with the Italian one, we will try to consider the different European approaches to the issue.

Concluding remarks will be made by INSOL Europe President, Giorgio Corno.
Download the programme for further details.

If you are interested in attending, please send an email to Patricia Riva at: for further information.
ARE & CEDAG Colloquium: Cross-views on the EU’s various newly introduced restructuring plan regimes

ARE & CEDAG Colloquium: Cross-views on the EU’s various newly introduced restructuring plan regimes


ARE (the Association pour le Retournement des Entreprises, the leading French turnaround association gathering over 300 members) and the Centre des Affaires et Gestion (CEDAG) are organizing a joint conference on the subject of “Cross-views on the EU’s various newly introduced restructuring plan regimes” covering four countries: Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and France.

The conference aims to bring together lawyers, insolvency practitioners, restructuring and turnaround advisers, bankers, investors, judges and professors. INSOL Europe President, Giorgio Corno, will be one of the speakers.

For further information please download conference programme in English / French.
You can register here.
Luxembourg Local Seminar

Luxembourg Local Seminar


INSOL Europe Local Conference: New Luxembourg Law of 7 August 2023 Preservation of companies and modernization of bankruptcy law and implementing EU directive 2019/1023

Tuesday 5th December 2023 @ EY Luxembourg

Download the program for further information.

To register email Christel Dumont,
Crisis, Entrepreneurs and Responsibility: The Crisis Code Amidst Old and New Challenges

Crisis, Entrepreneurs and Responsibility: The Crisis Code Amidst Old and New Challenges


Crisis, Entrepreneurs, and Responsibility: The Crisis Code Amidst Old and New Challenges

24-25 November 2023, Auditorium Ferrero
Via Pietro Ferrero, 19 - Alba (CN)
Conference to be held in person and via live streaming

Full details in the accompanying brochure.