Past events

Stockholm One Day Seminar
As the largest city and Capital of Sweden, Stockholm is comprised of 14 islands and more than 50 bridges across the Baltic Sea archipelago. Enjoy the cobblestone streets of the old Town, waterways and parks of the city area, or its wide range of shopping centres, museums and restaurants; Stockholm has something to offer whatever your tastes.
The programme includes sessions on:
- the implementation of the EU Directive and the practical challenges faced in Nordic countries;
- restructuring in the region, focusing on the ongoing Componenta Group restructuring in Finland and Sweden;
- the impact of Brexit; and
- board directors’ liabilities.
For more details or to register your place, visit INSOL International's website:

EECC Conference 2019 - Ljubljana, Slovenia

Slovenia had a high number of insolvent companies as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis, features of restructuring procedures not suited and no preventive procedures available. In the last couple of years, Slovenia introduced preventive restructuring procedures for medium and large-size companies, simplified reorganization procedures for micro and small-size companies and improved access to reorganization proceedings for creditors. These reforms increased the number of successful reorganization cases and ranked Slovenia as number 9 at Resolving Insolvency (World Bank Doing Business Report 2019), with an 88.7 cents on the dollar recovery rate, 0.8 years and 4% of the estate cost. Slovenia is the perfect place for our 15th EECC Conference!
2019 EECC Ljubljana Conference Final Technical Programme
2019 EECC Ljubljana Conference Presentation Slides
Session 4. Pre-packaged insolvency tools: Where are we now?
Links to the video: (conference version) (long version)
Session 5. Increasing efficiency in insolvency proceedings: The appointment of IPs
Increasing efficiency-Overview-selected jurisdictions-IT selects IP
Increasing efficiency-Appointment IP Austria
Increasing efficiciency-Appointment IP Estonia
2019 EECC Ljubljana Conference Registration Brochure
2019 EECC Ljubljana Conference Delegate Joining Instructions in English or Slovenian
With thanks to our Sponsors:
Main Sponsor

BDO Restructuring GmbH, Germany -
In Conjunction With
Zbornica Upraviteljev Slovenije -
Conference Sponsors
NetBid AG -
CNAJMJ (The National Council of Judicial Administrators and Judicial Officers) -
Schiebe und Collegen -
bnt attorneys in CEE -
Troostwijk -
With thanks to our Conference Supporters
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) -

AIJA-INSOL Europe Joint Conference, Mallorca 2019

Young Members Group – INSOL EUROPE
Insolvency Joint Conference - 13-15 June 2019 Mallorca
Make twilight a new dawn: defensive and offensive strategies in insolvency matters.
Make twilight a new dawn:
Defensive and offensive strategies in insolvency matters
It is a given that in insolvency matters, the receiver is caught in the crossfire of opposing interests and offensive/defensive strategies. Entering an arrangement with creditors is an “offensive strategy” adopted by the company to tackle a crisis, especially for the purpose of a debt haircut. The flip side is the receiver can use the “offensive strategy“ to assert the shareholders’ liability, but the shareholders can also defend themselves by taking a variety of actions against the receiver.
In light of these opposing interests, the seminar will seek to challenge and analyse the multilateral views and conflicts between all participants involved in insolvency proceedings. The programme will also explore their options to attack or defend themselves.

DAV 8th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress
Register today!
Now in its 8thyear, the EIRC has established itself as the preeminent conference of its kind. As in the past, we are able to field an international line up of leading insolvency and restructuring experts who will discuss the hot topics of cross-border insolvency and turnaround. Vera Jourinová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, will also address attendees.
This year, the focus will be on the United Kingdom and Brexit, not least in anticipation of the inevitable changes Brexit will bring to our industry. In light of the changes, the debate will again touch on the most effective restructuring forum and tools for future cases as well as on the future of the Common Market as such.
Another main feature of this year’s congress will be the draft EU directive on pre-insolvency restructuring. Since Member States will soon have to translate the directive into national legislation, it is worth looking across national borders and learning from the implementation discussions abroad.
The congress will round up with sessions on recent ECJ and other landmark judgements that every professional doing cross-border work needs to know and two workshops on the European Insolvency Regulation (recast) and, separately the anticipated reforms of the English insolvency regime.
Last but by no means least, attendees may enjoy a dinner and drinks on Thursday evening and an opportunity to continue the day’s discussions with panellists in a relaxed environment.
To register or download a full programme, please visit the DAV website here.

R3 & INSOL Europe's International Restructuring Conference

Attendees will enjoy ample networking opportunities during the breakfast, lunch, refreshments breaks and networking drinks reception at the end of the day. Delegates will also receive a copy of speaker presentations in the delegate pack.
This is a technical conference aimed at all insolvency and restructuring professionals who have an interest in cross-border matters, including insolvency practitioners, lawyers, financial advisers, lenders, distressed asset investors, judges and academics. This conference is relevant for professionals working in jurisdictions across Europe and beyond. An international line up of speakers to be announced!
The programme will include:
- Detailed cross-border case studies of two of the most important cross-border cases of recent years, Agrokor and Steinhoff, from some of the key players in both
- A panel session on the NPL landscape, the new tools to weather it and the new players entering the market
- A panel session on the different approaches being taken in the UK and Europe in regard to pre-insolvency procedures and the potential for this to be a new battle ground