Academic Forum sponsored by
Latest publication : The Perpetual Renewal of European Insolvency Law
Papers from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference, Amsterdam, 11-12 October 2023
“The Perpetual Renewal of European Insolvency Law” was the focus of the discussions held at the nineteenth INSOL Europe Academic Forum Annual Conference on 11-12 October 2023.
The landscape of European insolvency law is in a state of constant evolution, driven by the need to address the complexities of a dynamic and interconnected economic environment. These conference proceedings seek to explore and illuminate the multi-faceted nature of insolvency law within the European context, highlighting its continuous development and adaptation in response to both internal and external challenges.
Available as a PDF download for members here (NB: You must be logged in as a member to access the file.)
Non-members please contact Hannah Denney via the order form at the bottom of the page.
The YANIL Prize aims to put the limelight on the excellent research produced by younger academics in the field of European insolvency and restructuring law and to raise awareness to their research and support them in pursuing an academic career. Last year this prize was won by Fabian Kratzlmeier (1st prize), Raghav Mittal (2nd prize) and Marco Novara (3rd prize).
This year, the second edition of the prize has two rounds:
1.First round Younger academics are invited to submit their research output that has been published between 1 January 2023 and June 2024 to (submission deadline: 3 July 2024).
2. Second round Candidates that pass the first round will be invited to join a second round where they will be asked to make an appealing video to present the findings of their research in a research video.
Shifting the limelight to your research
In order to raise awareness for your research, this Prize involves several opportunities to present the research. This includes:
(i) in the second round, preparing a short video presenting the main findings of the research,
(ii) publishing the winning videos on the websites of YANIL/INSOL Europe and BWILC, and
(iii) inviting the first prize winner to present the research at a YANIL research webinar. The jury of this edition of the Prize is comprised of the board of YANIL (Gert-Jan Boon, Giulia Ballerini, Guillem Gabriel-Pizarro, Emilie Ghio, Vasile Rotary and Jonatan Schytzer) and a representative of the IEAF board.
This year, three prizes may be awarded:
- 1st place EUR 500
- 2nd place EUR 350
- 3rd place EUR 250
To participate, submit your research output to The deadline for submissions is 3 July 2024.
This edition welcomes submission that have been published or accepted for publication between January 2023 and June 2024.
Good to know:
1. We welcome submission in all languages (if not in English, an English language translation is required).
2. Co-authored research output is welcome (if the candidate made the significant contribution to the paper).
3. See for further info the call for submissions and rules.
4. This prize is made possible with kind financial support of the Foundation Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC).
On behalf of the members of the YANIL board
YANIL is a branch of INSOL Europe’s Academic Forum
INSOL Europe is pleased to announce its support to the following legal workshop:
The outline of the project is available here. See the technical programme (IT and EN versions) where you will find the relevant the link to register.
The project is funded by the University of Bari and supported by UNIDROIT and Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority.
Registrations are open until 25 March 2024.
Twentieth Anniversary of the Portuguese Insolvency Law - 22 March 2024
5th International and Comparative Law Insolvency Symposium - 25-27 April 2024
Attendance to the conference is free.
More information is available here.
Contact: Dr Eugenio Vaccari
French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) - Comparative guide to the law transposing the "Preventive Restructuring and Insolvency" Directive of 20 June 2019
The French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) is pleased to announce the recent publication of a comparative guide (October 2023) which aims at informing the readers on the orientations and rules adopted by the Member States following the implementation process of the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency.
The comparative Guide contains a comparison of the main aspects of the EU Directive in 6 EU Member states (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain), for example (1) Insolvency prevention mechanisms and procedures; (2) Formation of classes of affected parties and adoption of restructuring plans; (3) Voting on restructuring plans by creditors and equity holders; (4) Confirmation of restructuring plans by judicial authorities; (5) Discharge of debt measures allowing insolvent individual entrepreneurs to recover.
This comparative Guide is complemented by a Glossary which reproduces the terms for which the Directive of 20 June 2019 provides a definition as well as proposes definitions for the terms not explicitly defined in the Directive, but which are part of the concepts used. These definitions can serve as a guide to a good understanding of the rules and principles used.
The comparative Guide is available in English, Spanish, French and Italian as well as the Glossary (EN, ES, FR, IT) both funded by the European Justice Programme.
We are grateful to the French National School for the Judiciary for sharing this information with the INSOL Europe Academic members.
YANIL launches Academic Prize for innovative and outstanding research
Three Prizes for younger academics
The jury of this first edition of the Prize is comprised of the board of YANIL (Gert-Jan Boon, Giulia Ballerini, David Ehmke, Emilie Ghio, Jonatan Schytzer and Eugenio Vaccari) and the chair of the IEAF (Prof. Rodrigo Rodriguez).
For this year’s edition, three prizes may be awarded: 1st place EUR 750; 2nd place EUR 500; 3rd place EUR 250.
The winners will also be invited to present their paper at an online YANIL research seminar that will take place at the beginning of 2024.
The deadline for the submission is 4th November 2023. This edition welcomes submission for research that has been published (or is under review) in the period January 2022 to September 2023.
This prize is made possible with the financial support of the Foundation Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC).
More information on the YANIL Prize for Innovative and Outstanding Research can be found here.
On 26–28 October 2023, the University of Kiel was hosting a conference titled “EU Insolvency Law and Third Countries: Which Way(s) Forward?”. The conference was one of the fruits of a research project coordinated by Professors Alexander Trunk (University of Kiel) and Jasnica Garašić (University of Zagreb).
The project was endorsed by UNCITRAL and supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. It had been conducted in cooperation with representatives of the European Commission and the Hague Conference on Private International Law. At the conference, the first results from the project was presented and discussed with the wider public, including professionals and academics. The conference also included a Young Researchers’ Forum on the morning of 26 October.
The report of the conference is available here.
Further information is available via the project website at: