News for 2023

In 2023 we are planning several new events, including a joint seminar with AIJA in June, as well as drinks receptions at the EECC Conference in Vilnius, and the Annual Congress in Amsterdam. Watch this space for updates!
Join our Young Members Live in Conference

As part of INSOL Europe’s Spring Online Conference – “Don’t Worry Restructure!” organised by the Co-Chairs of the YMG, one panel on the first conference day consisting of Young Members of INSOL Europe, Gottfried Gassner (Binder Grösswang, Austria), Andreas Dimmling (GSK, Germany), and Aroen Kuitenbrower (Allen & Overy, The Netherlands) will discuss the new EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency.

During the second session, 18 March, Clarissa Nitsch will introduce the key note speaker Prof. Kodek (Vienna University of Economics and Business and Judge at the Austrian Supreme Court) and he will speak about Insolvency Law in the 21st Century - Developments and Challenges.
New Co-Chairs for the Young Members Group

To start this article with COVID-19 is not right, but we are in a transitional period of work, life and travel. In October 2020 Anne Bach and Georges-Louis Harang stepped down as Co-Chairs of the Young Members Group (YMG) not because of COVID, but because of the transition to the new Co-Chairs. 

Clarissa Nitsch, attorney at law at Binder Grösswang in Vienna and Robert Peldán, counsel and Head of Restructuring at Borenius in Helsinki took over at the occasion of a virtual networking event embedded into an online wine tasting session, which was a great success. Even though it was online, the young members, of which nearly 30 participated in the webinar, interacted wonderfully and had the chance to exchange their thoughts directly. The online survey after the event showed that it was greatly appreciated by the young members to see each other and speak although the drinks reception at the Annual Congress in Sorrento would have been a highlight as usual. 

Clarissa and Robert are thrilled about the kick-off event and have a bag full of ideas for the upcoming year. The Young Members will contribute even more to INSOL Europe and with the wonderful work of Anne Bach and Georges-Louis Harang, not to forget Sabina Schellenberg and Slavomir Cauder, over the last years this will not be difficult. Clarissa and Robert are heavily involved in setting up another joint seminar with AIJA next year. The preparatory work is underway and many of the young members will have a chance to participate as a panellist or just expand their network, in the YMG events. If the crisis ends by then, the seminar will take place from 10 – 12 June 2021 in Stockholm.  

The YMG will also host its legendary drinks reception at the Annual Congress in Dublin and if we are lucky, there will also be a chance to get together at EEEC next year. Clarissa and Robert also agreed with YANIL (Young Academics in Law) to join the young forces and cooperate more in future years. 

A toast to the young members of INSOL Europe. Stay tuned! 
Update from Copenhagen

More than 100 young-ish attendees recently met at the YMG Drink Reception in Copenhagen, hosted at the wonderful Manon les Suites, kindly sponsored by Schiebe und Collegen, followed by a cheerful dinner at the Llama. 

Photos of the event can be found on our gallery here.

This year’s Congress was also a great occasion for the YMG to be involved in the organization, to be panelists and to be active in the INSOL Europe groups. Dr. Anne Bach (née Laspeyres) and Georges-Louis Harang, co-chairs of the YMG, gave an update of the year and shared the lineup of the upcoming events. 

Stay tuned for further updates!
Update from Athens

#YMGevents#YMGDrinksReception, Great occasion to share with the Young Members of INSOL EUROPE and new Young Members at the annual YMG Drinks Reception during the #INSOLEUROPE congress in Athens (4-7 October) and to host the President of the Insolvency commission of #AIJA, Héctor Sbert, many thanks to our sponsor Schiebe und Collegen, to Sabina Schellenberg and Slavomir Cauder, past co-chairs and YMG forever, very proud to be co-chair of the Young Members Group, Anne Bach and Georges-Louis Harang, #YMGspirit,

Watch YMG Co-chair George-Louis Harang explain about the group in Athens:

Participation of YMG's co-chair at AIJA's Annual Congress

The Young Members Group (YMG) co-chairs were invited to the AIJA Annual Congress, which took place from 28 August to 1 September 2018 in Brussels. Georges-Louis Harang attended the congress and was warmly welcomed by AIJA members, especially Hector Sbert, Marine Simonnot and Anouk Rosielle, President and Vice-Presidents of the AIJA Insolvency Commission.

Also, a meeting with Wiebe de Vries, President of AIJA, and the members of the Insolvency Commission was held on Thursday 30 August. It was an opportunity to discuss the cooperation settled between both associations and the future of this cooperation. Especially, details of the joint event in Mallorca in June 2019 were discussed as well as the possibility of other opportunities to cooperate in the future.
On this occasion, the YMG emphasised the goal of a long-term cooperation with AIJA. Wiebe de Vries, President of AIJA, and the members of AIJA's Insolvency Commission are very pleased of such cooperation. 

Concerning the Mallorca Conference, AIJA has put in place administrative support for the joint event (booking of the hotel) and have installed a specific committee in charge of the organisation of this event (members of the Insolvency Commission). The YMG co-chairs will be in contact with this organising committee to carry on the organisation of the seminar in Mallorca.

We will keep you informed of the progression of the organisation of this joint event. Stay tuned!
Update from Riga

Following INSOL Europe’s EECC conference in Riga, Latvia, the co-chairs of the Young Members Group wanted to give all of you a short update on activities and news around this event.

The conference started on Thursday evening with a drinks reception and dinner at the roof-top restaurant of the Gutenberg Hotel, which is located in the heart of Riga’s old town. Delegates, amongst them a large number of YMG members, were greeted by sunny and clear weather and enjoyed a great evening, which ended at a Cuban cocktail bar around the corner 

The conference itself, centered around Balance of Interests: Restructuring, Insolvency and Second Chance, started Friday morning and was attended by over 100 delegates from across Europe. A wide range of photographs can be found in INSOL Europe’s Event Gallery:

YMG members were present on panels. We believe that participation of young professionals as speakers / panelists has to be promoted and has to be improved. We therefore highly encourage you to let us know if you would like to present a topic at some future INSOL Europe event and will do everything to assist YMG members in that regard and support them (a call for contribution has been launched for the Congress in Copenhagen – September 2019). 

Last but not least, the traditional YMG drinks reception, kindly sponsored by Schiebe & Collegen, took place on Friday evening at the Radisson Blu’s Skyline Bar, which again was a great opportunity to network and exchange with young insolvency professionals from all over Europe.

Meeting with AIJA

Particular mention is to be made with regard to AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers (>). Not only did three AIJA representatives take part in the conference but also, alongside the conference, a meeting between representatives of AIJA’s insolvency group and YMG co-chairs took place to discuss potential cooperation and future joint projects - see photo showing from left to right standing, Héctor Sbert, Marine Simonnot and Kristīne Zvejniece from AIJA with George-Louis Harang; Sabina Schellenberg and Anne Bach sitting. As a result of this meeting, we are excited to announce that AIJA’s insolvency group and Insol Europe will host a joint event in June 2019 on the beautiful island of Mallorca that will focus on young insolvency professionals, not only as participants but especially as speakers / panelists (yes, indeed! Let us know if you are interested). We will hopefully be able to update you on details after INSOL Europe’s Annual Conference in Athens.

If you have any questions or comments on the above please do not hesitate to contact one of the YMG’s co-chairs who will be more than happy to provide you with answers / our thoughts.

Co-Chairs of the Young Members Group:
Sabina Schellenberg (
Georges-Louis Harang ( 
Anne Bach (

Young Members Group General News

Activities of Young Members' Group INSOL Europe (“YMG”)
Half Year Report 2016 to INSOL Europe Council
Sponsor of this year's drinks reception at the INSOL Europe Annual Congress is the Portuguese law firm Abreu Abogados. This is very much appreciated. Also, Francisco Patricio and Eduardo Gomes of Abreu Abogados are very supportive in organising the event and in particular the now legendary after reception dinner and party.
EECC Conference
With Roman Knut Seger of BDO Restructuring, Giusseppe Scotti of Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Alina Zechiu of BDO Restructuring, Vaclav Zalud of Dentons and Valter Pieger of Giese & Partner the YMG was represented with an excellent panel on a case study in the field of cross border restructuring.
Nicolina Somlea of CITR kindly helped us to organise the YMG drinks reception in Cluj Napoca. We invited all young delegates at the EECC Conference for a drink reception at beautiful Joben Bistro (sponsored by Schiebe & Collegen). As every year, the event was very popular and Joben Bistro was the place to go right after the seminar. Once again, the evening ended up in having all together dinner in the old town of Cluj. Some of us met again the next day for an excursion to the Salina Turda Salt mine.
Forthcoming Events / Annual Congress in Cascais
September 2016, upon occasion of the INSOL Europe’s Annual Congress in Cascais, the Young Members drinks reception will be held.
New Project
Together with Carmel King (Grant Thornton UK LLP) of the Anti Fraud Forum, we have put together a project for a 1 day seminar to be held at the Offices of Grant Thornton UK LLP on 8 and 9 November 2016. We are looking to frame this as primarily a networking opportunity, where we can promote both groups and encourage collaboration. We are planning a drinks reception on the evening prior to the conference, with the next day taking place from 9am to 3pm. The content will be fraud related, for the most part generated and presented by the young members in order to appeal to both groups. There will be also one or two external speakers, to present something interesting, relevant and accessible to all.
August 2016
Slavomir Cauder & Sabina Schellenberg
Activities of Young Members' Group INSOL Europe (“YMG”)
Half Year Report 2016 to INSOL Europe Council
The Young Members are truly appreciative of the German law firm’s Schiebe und Kollegen continuing sponsorship for the YMG. Schiebe und Kollegen kindly sponsors the drink reception taking place on the occasion of the Insol EEC One-Day-Seminar in Cluj-Napoca.
The YMG Event in Berlin
We invited all young delegates of the Annual Congress for a drink reception (sponsored by Schiebe & Collegen) on the Friday evening of the Congress. We noticed that the reception attendance numbers were slightly down due to timing and competing congress events; this in particular due the high-profile event of the Law Firm GÖRG that was commencing at the same time. Many young delegates told us that they could not join our reception as they were attending the Reichstag event. We are positive that we find for Cascais a better solution (more attractive venue, maybe other time slot). We are in close contact with Francisco Patricio who will support us with ideas for dinner locations after the drink reception.
Poll with the YMG regarding their expectations towards INSOL Europe
In order to gather more insight and feedback on the expectations of a Young Member towards INSOL Europe’s initiative and how the Young Members would lwish to contribute more to the organization, we initiated an internet-based poll among the Young Members. Below you will find its initial results:

Q1: Would you like to have more social events under the flag of INSOL?
Yes 81%     No 18%

Q2: Would you be interested in organising such events?
Yes 68%     No 31%

Q3: Do you think that we should organise training programmes to younger members?
Yes 68%     No 31%

Q4: Would you be interested in organising such programmes?
Yes 56%     No 12%

Q5: Would you like to write articles in the electronic Newsletter of INSOL Europe in the Eurofenix?
Yes 87%     No 12%

Q6: Would you like to provide INSOL Europe on a regular basis with updates on Insolvency laws in your country?
Yes 81%     No 8%

Q7: Would you wish a stronger presence of the Young Members Group in the social media and if so in what social media and how could that be reached?
LinkedIn 56%     No, actually it's okay as it is 37%
Facebook 31%     Twitter 6%     Google+ 0%

Q8: Would you like to participate in panels?
Yes 75%     No 25%

Q9: Do you think that a panel with just young members would improve our visibility?
Yes 68%     No 31%

Q10: Would you like to engage more in our Young Members Group and be in charge for certain areas and if so in what areas?
No, thank you. 37%     Social events.  31%
Training.           31%     Social media.   12%
Others (please leave a comment below incl. your identification data).   0%
As not everybody has responded yet, we will send a follow up email in the forthcoming days with a friendly reminder to contribute to the poll. Also, we will be liaising with those young members who showed an interest in contributing more actively in the YMG .
Forthcoming Events
May 13 2016, the EECC Seminar in Cluj Napoca: Cooperation and interconnection of INSOL EUROPE, its YMG and AIJA remains strong and continuous as well for this event. AIJA is again actively promoting this event among its members. On top of it, the Vice President of AIJA’s Insolvency Commission, Mr. Giuseppe Scotti will be not only present but actively contributing to the seminar. YMG has as well succeeded to have numerous speakers in the seminar’s panel and even create, with the help of the Seminar’s main sponsor, BDO Restructuring, an exclusive Young Member’s panel within the seminar.
As upon occasion of other key INSOL Europe events, Young Members attending the seminar will again meet for their already established get-together – YMG Drinks Reception. It shall be held on Friday evening, after the seminar. Location has been pre-chosen – we are communicating with IE Romanian colleagues to help to secure local logistics with IE production team.
September 2016, upon occasion of INSOL Europe’s annual congress in Lisbon, the Young Members Drinks reception is to be held. The details and a better time slot are being discussed with IE Secretariat. Within the reception or during informal talks with Young Members thought the congress we plan to discuss the request stemming from the poll in respect of training for the Young Members, which could be then upon Executive/Council deliberations integrating into any future IE events.
Further Cooperation
During the Berlin Congress it was agreed among the IE YMG and the IE YANIL that both groups would more closely cooperate and coordinate their future activities and events. We hope this could raise general attendance of various IE events.
Following inquiry and request from IE for articles for IE Eurofenix as well as its online publication, we were able to raise awareness and interest among the Young Members in providing various national reports and analysis the winter – spring edition. We intend to continue encouraging the Group’s members to come forth and provide their input on regular basis.
March 2016
Slavomir Cauder & Sabina Schellenberg
WG - Young Members Group
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