YMG COVID Coffee Break

The Co-Chairs of the Young Members Group recently recorded a COVID Coffee Break 20-minute video, all about the challenges of working in the current conditions, how it affects their daily lives, and what the YMG has planned for the future.

Watch it here along with previous episodes in the series.
Young Members Group Publications

R3 Recovery Magazine - Spring 2021

Clarissa Nitsch and Robert Peldán have shared their experiences as co-chairs of the INSOL Europe Young Members Group during the Covid-19 pandemic in an article for the Spring edition of R3's magazine 'Recovery' entitled 'Young Members Group goes with the flow during uncertainty'. Download a PDF of the article here.

Inside Stories

Many of our Young Members contribute to the Inside Stories series, which is archived here and published in our monthly newsletter to members.

INSOL Europe's Inside Stories are all written by our members, experts in their fields and their regions within Europe. Every month these stories are published in our e-newsletter which are emailed to our membership. The articles are topical and provide real insight into cases and points of law. If you would like to send in an Inside Story, please contact Paul Newson (Communications Manager): paulnewson@insol-europe.org


Many of our Young Members also contribute to our journal Eurofenix. Eurofenix aims to cover issues relevant to the European restructuring community, particularly those involved in all aspects of insolvency, bankruptcy and business reconstruction & recovery. For further information or to submit a proposal or written article, please contact Paul Newson (Communications Manager): paulnewson@insol-europe.org
WG - Young Members Group
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